Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/229

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His Excellency in the course of his reply to the Municipal address, said:—

"One of the reasons why I am particularly glad to be here is that it has afforded me an opportunity of seeing this handsome Town Hall which you owe to the generosity of my friend the Maharajah of Bobbili, and one of my chief regrets at having been unable to pay you my intended visit last year was that I lost the opportunity of presiding at the opening ceremony which the Maharajah had most kindly invited me to perform. Mr. Campbell, your Collector, however, took my place and spoke on my behalf, and I now cordially endorse all that he said on that occasion about the generosity and the admirable qualities of the distinguished donor, and the advantage the people of Vizagapatam have gained in the possession of this fine building. Although I have hardly had time to look round, yet, as I came upstairs, I noticed two spacious and most useful apartments on either side, in