Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/230

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which I see there is a billiard table, which, I am told, is for the use of the Club already established here. I have never seen a larger or better shaped room outside Madras in the Presidency, and I have no doubt whatever that it will be of the greatest profit and mutual advantage to the people of Vizagapatam, when they meet here for every sort and kind of occasion in the future. It is the greatest pleasure to me to see this building and I regret more than ever I did not have the honour of declaring it open myself. However, I could not have performed the ceremony better than your Collector did, and all that I have to do now is to endorse and re-echo what he said on that occasion. It is my good fortune to meet the Maharajah of Bobbili constantly in Madras, and it is seldom that I do not find him considering some scheme of public utility. Only the other day, I had the advantage of reading the proof sheets of his latest work, in which he is seeking to impart the benefits of