Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/244

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State Dinner, and afterwards attended the Prince's Levee. On the next day His Royal Highness was pleased to grant an audience to all the Zemindars that were invited by the Government and graciously received an address from the Madras Landholders' Association. A picturesque native entertainment was given to Their Royal Highnesses on the Island and terminated with fireworks.

On the following day H.R.H. The Prince was graciously pleased to give the Maharajah a private interview. H.E. the Governor wrote the following letter to the Maharajah in the above connection:—

Government House, Madras,
25th January, 1906.

"My dear Maharajah,

"I have great pleasure in informing you that His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales desires to accord you the honour of a Private interview. Will you please be at Government