Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/245

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House at a quarter past three to-morrow afternoon (Friday, the 26th January).

I am,
Yours very truly,
(Signed) AMPTHILL.

The Maharajah of Bobbili."

This honour was accorded to six gentlemen, but the Maharajah was the only one of them who belonged to the class of Rajahs and Zemindars. The Prince received them one after another in a most simple manner. The Maharajah was greatly pleased with and honoured by that interview. At the Reception at the Banqueting Hall the Princess was pleased to speak to the Maharajah for a while and most kindly made mention of his gift of an ivory box at Their Royal Highnesses' wedding (1893).

On the 27th Her Royal Highness held a Purdah Party to which a select body of native