Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/392

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A Short History of Nursing

376 Appendix I 1ST TO 20TH CENTURIES, A. D. — Continued General History Advance of middle classes. Rise of com merce and industrial guilds. Rise of univer- sities. Magna Charta I2IS. First English Parliament, 126s. Chivalry at its height. Decline of Ara- bian power. Serfdom disap- pearing. G r o w i n strength of middle classes. Decline of feu- dalism. Fall of Con- stantinople Renaissance of literature, art, and learning. Printing in- vented. Humanist movement broadens hu- man interest and social movements. America dis- coveredi492. Religion and Charity , Church passes laws restricting surgery. Monastic activi- ties decline as secular orders increase. First Poor laws passed to sup plement church alms. Science and Medicine Hildegarde writes medical books Barber -surgeons form guilds. University of Bo logna becomes important medicalcentre. Master-Surgeons 1268. Roger Bacon and others revive studies in nat- ural science. Numerous impor- tant medical schools in Ital- ian cities. Sanitary meas- uresattempted after Black Death. Leprosy dying out of Europe. Benvieni, found- er of patho- logical ana- tomy. Chair of medi- cine, Oxford University. End of period of Arabian medi- Nursing Teutonic Knights and Knights of St. Lazaru Military nurs ing orders. St. Francis Assisi. of Many roya women patrons of nursing. Deaconesses vived under Waldenses. Be guines founded. Orders of Grey Sisters, Flor- ence, and Santo Spirito founded on secular basis Great extension of nursing by secu- lar orders. Deaconesses re- vived by follow- ers of John Huss in Bo- hemia. Hospitals Rahere founds St. Bartholo- mew's. Lon- don, 1123. Queen Matilda founds sev- eral English hospitals, 1101-1148. Teutonic Knights found St. Bar- bara at Strass- burg. Rise of munici- pal hospitals. Famous hospi- tals in Cairo, Damascus, Bagdad, Alex- andria. St. Thomas, London, 1213. Hospitals disor- ganized by Black Death, 1349 A.D. City hospitals overcrowded and dirty. St. Mary of Bethlehem, (Bedlam), 1403. Queen Isabella of Spain founds ambu- lance service and field hos- pitals for army.