Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/393

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A Short History of Nursing

Appendix I 377 1ST TO 20TH CENTURIES, A. D. — Continued Dales Sixteenth Century. Seventeenth Century. Eighteenth Century. 1800 A.D. Nineteenth Century. General History Rise of Protes- tantism in Germany, England, etc. Cortez con- quers Mex- ico, 1521. Elizabethan Age. Quebec colon- ized, 1608. Plymouth, 1619. EnglishTolera- tion Acts, 1689- France fore- most Euro- pean power. American Revolution, 1775- French Revo- lution, 1789 Beginning of " Industrial Revolution." A century of great _ prog- ress, in all lines of thought and action. Social Progress Suppression of monasteries. Church lands con- fiscated. Missionaries enter the new world. Order of Friends (Quakers). St. Vincent de Paul, founder of Sisters of Char ity and organ- ized charitable relief. England removes witchcraft from codes of crimes and punish- ment, 1735. John Howard, hos- pital and prison reformer. Firstfactory legis- lation to protect children. England abolished slavery, 1807. Medicine Beginning of modern period. Paracelsus, medi- cal revolution- ary. Par6, famoussur geon. Servetus, pioneer in physiology Vesalius, Pallo- pius, and Eus- tachius. ana- tomists. Inventions of microscope and thermometer. Harvey, great physiologist. Lee uwenhoek discovers mi- cro-organisms Sydenham ' 'Eng- lish Hippocra- tes. " Discoveries in chemistry and physics. Pallanzani stud- ies bacteria. Hahnemann, founder of homoeopathy. Inoculation for smallpox, by Jenner. Pin el, medical leader of hu- mane care of insane. Many leaders in revival of medicine. Stethoscope in- vented, 1818. Semmelweiss, father of anti- septic m i d- wif ery. Nursing Gradual decline following grow- ing use of paid servant nurses of uneducated type. Catholic orders bound to enclo sure by Council of Trent, IS4S Brothers of Mercy founded, and medical relief and nursing in- troduced into thenewworldby Catholic orders. Revival of visiting and hospital nursing in France by Sis- ters of Charity under Mile, le Gras and Vin- cent de Paul. Much volunteer visiting nursing on estates. Dark age of hos- pital nursing. Visiting nursing in best form of the times was that of "lady boun- tiful " type. Medical men write nursing manu- uals. Humanitarians urge nursing re- forms. Deaconess order revived under Fliedners at Kaisers werth, 1836. Hospitals Civil authori- ties gradually take over all hospitals in Protestant countries. Mexican hospi- tals founded. St. John's hos- pital at Va- letta, 1530. H 6tel-D i e u, Quebec. 1 639, H6tel-Dieu, Montreal, 1644. Bellevue (N. Y. City)founded by West In- dia Co., 1658. Many impor- tant hospi- tals built _ in all countries. First separate hospitals foi fevers. Wm.Tuke, Eng- lish Friend, opens retreat for humane care of insane. Dorothea Dix begins reform in asylums for the insane, 1841.