Page:A synopsis of the diseases of the eye, and their treatment - to which are prefixed, a short anatomical description and a sketch of the physiology of that organ (IA synopsisofdiseas1821trav).pdf/17

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book of reference for English students before the publication of Mr. Saunders’s Treatise, which, from its intrinsic evidence of a strong and original talent for observa- tion, leaves us to regretas a national calamity, the premature termination of his’ labors. Mr. Wardrop’s ingenious Essays on the Morbid Anatomy of the Eye, have since contributed to instruct and gratify the Profession. But the object is yet un- accomplished, and I can only flatter myself with having advanced a step or two nearer to its completion.

Jn Germany a merited share of attention has long been devoted to the discascs of the eye. The elaborate work of Professor Beer of Vienna, who has devoted « life to the subject, is said by those of our country- men who read the German language, and are competent to appreciate its merit, to evince a familiarity with these diseases— a comprehensiveness of arrangement—a depth and minutencss of observation—a promptitude and fidelity of diagnosis—un- attained in any other department of Patho- logy. Walther of Landshut, Schmidt of Vienna, Himly and Langenbeck of Got- �