Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/231

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Plants of New Holland.


Portuguese civil to the author.

Rabek, a fowl.

Raccoon of New Holland.

Remora (fish) Plate 11 Figure 6.

Rosemary Island in New Holland, the plant resembling rosemary from which the author gives this name to the island, is figured.

Salt, a large account of the method of making it at Mayo.

Salt-ponds at Mayo, kern only in the dry season, others in the West Indies in the wet only.

Santa Cruz in Tenerife, its road, town and harbour described.

Seamen: in great danger of sickness, by neglecting to shift their wet clothes in hot countries. their ignorance and obstinacy, a great impediment in long voyages.

Seaweeds, see weeds.

Shark of New Holland described.

Shark's Bay in New Holland described.