Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/232

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Shearwater (bird) described.

Ship (the author's) foundered at sea.

Ship of 50 guns built at Brazil.

Skipjack (fish) described.

Snake, see Watersnake, and Amphisbaena.

Soursop (fruit) described.

Sugar, the way of refining it in Brazil with clay.

Tasman's chart rectified.

Tenerife: its wines and fruits and animals. its north-west view.

Timber at Brazil as good and more durable than any in Europe.


Trees of New Holland.

Turtle: lay their eggs in the wet season. why not eaten by the Spaniards as by the English.

Turtledoves of Brazil.

Variation: where it is increased in sailing easterly. where decreased in sailing easterly. its uncertainty, and the difficulty of taking it.