Page:Acharnians and two other plays (1909).djvu/69

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The Acharnians

Dic. Impossible! you must go to the hospital.

Countr. Do, pray, just only give me the least drop.

Dic. Not the least drop—not I—go—get ye gone.

Countr. Oh dear! oh dear! oh dear! my poor dear oxen!

Chorus.He, the chief, is now possessing
Peace as an exclusive blessing, 1360
Which he will not part withal.

Dic. Mix honey with the savoury dishes!
Be careful with the cuttle fishes!
Stew me the kidneys with the caul!

Chorus. Hear him shout there. Hear him bawl!

Dic. (louder). Season and broil him there—that eel!

Chorus. You don't consider what we feel;
We're famished her with waiting;
While you choke
Us with your smoke, 1370
And deafen us with prating.

Dic. Those cutlets, brown them nicely—there—do ye mind.

Enter a Bridesman.

Brid. Ho, Dicæopolis!

Dic. Who's there! Who's that?

Brid. A bridegroom, that has sent a dish of meat
From his marriage feast.

Dic. Well! come! That's handsome of him;
That's proper, whoever he is; that's as it should be.

Brid. In fact, my friend the bridegroom, he that sent it,
Objects to foreign service just at present;
He begs you'd favour him with the balsam of peace;
A trifling quantity, in the box I've brought. 1380

Dic. No, No! take back the dish; I can't receive it.
Dispose it somewhere else; take it away.
I would not part with a particle of my balsam,
For all the world—not for a thousand drachmas,
But that young woman there, who's she?

Bridesman. The bridesmaid;
With a particular message from the bride;
Wishing to speak a word in private with you.

Dic. Well, what have ye got to say ? Let's hear it all!