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Middle orbit.

2. Cummings device based on the dialog sentence ¿Cuándo es la fiesta?, substituting other events in place of la fiesta, and answering with hours of the day and/or days of the week, as appropriate. If this augment is to be worth its weight, it must deal only with events that the students are likely to want to talk about. Note that this does not allow for questions which require content verbs, such as 'When does the class end?' Note also that this augment can be shifted into the inner orbit by casting it in the form of yes-no questions.

Outer orbit.

3. Cummings device for learning the occupations of people, beginning with those in the lists from Units 1 and 2: Presidente de Bolívia, pescador, maestro, etc.

Occasions for use based on outer orbits of Units 1-3: (1) Say as much as you can about various individuals; (2) take a true-false test concerning at least ten Spanish-speaking people who will have a role in your life; (3) have two small panels of students compete in answering questions.

Unit 4.

Linguistic content: voiced fricatives.

Social content: two adult male friends at a party.

Topical content: asking who a third person is.

Inner orbit.

1. Relearn pronunciation of items from earlier units, with special attention to the voiced fricatives.