Page:Adapting and Writing Language Lessons.pdf/353

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Lesson 1, Section 3

PROPS: Passes with various expiration dates.

PRONUNCIATION: This pass has expired.
This pass is valid.

MEANING: Passes in two stacks: expired and valid. After each sentence is mimicked, teacher holds up an appropriate pass.

USE: Students are shown a pass. They reply either 'This pass has expired' or 'This pass is valid.'

CUMULATION: Three kinds of passes. One that was never valid, one that was formerly valid but now expired, and one that is valid. Student asks to see pass, then comments 'This pass is not valid,' 'This pass has expired,' or 'This pass is valid.'

Lesson 1, Section 4

PROPS: As above, plus pictures of men and women.


Thank you, sir.
Thank you, madame.
You may enter.

MEANING: Students take turns holding up a valid pass. Repeat after instructor: 'You may enter'.

Same, except students repeat after instructor 'Thank you (sir, madame). You may enter.'

USE: Instructor places valid pass next to picture of woman or man. Students take turns saying 'Thank you (sir, madame). You may enter.'

CUMULATION: Student asks to see pass. When it is shown, he comments on its validity. If it is valid, he thanks the person and tells him he may enter.