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"That's right—you hand it to the old boy, straight—and tell me about it to-night."

When the door had closed on Mr. Larry, his wife tripped to the telephone and called up Claire.

"I'm going to have it out with my butcher," she announced very firmly. "If you've remembered anything that I've forgotten, now's your chance to help me."

"I'll be over in half an hour," answered Claire briskly. "Mother wants me to answer some invitations for her, and then I'll be free for the morning. It's dear of you to take me on your adventures. By-by."

Mrs. Larry stood looking at the now silent telephone. Certainly Claire was taking the thing splendidly. If only Jimmy knew what was going on! Yes, decidedly, Jimmy ought to know. Having settled this matter to her satisfaction, Mrs. Larry proceeded to act with characteristic promptness. She took her pen in hand—

"Dear Jimmy:

"Clearing out a drawer this morning, I came