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upon the program of the Monday Night Dance. Didn't we have a wonderful time? If you are as good a lawyer as you are a dancer, you'll be famous before long.

"So sorry you did not have dinner with us before you left. You must never treat us that way again.

"Can't write any more, because I am going over to my butcher's to take my second lesson in reducing the high cost of living. Claire is going with me. Of course, she'll write and tell you all about our adventures in thrift. I suppose we'll have some wild experiences. But when you really, truly love a man, you don't mind what you go through for him. Not even if this means stalking that ogre, 'High Prices,' to its darkest lair."

She sealed and stamped the envelope with an affectionate little pat.

"It's just as well not to take any chances on some catty Kansas City girl discovering that Jimmy's heart has had a wound that she might heal. I've heard a lot of strange things about the way a man's heart acts on the rebound."