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presume you are a Scotsman.” To which I answered in the affirmative. “Pray (continued he) from what part of Scotland?” I no sooner told him, than he discovered great emotions and not confining his operations to my chin and upper lip besmeared my whole face with great agitation; at which I was so offended, flaring up, I asked him what he meant by using me so? He begged pardon, telling his joy in meeting with a countryman, had occasioned some confusion in him; and craved my name. But when I declared my name was Random, he exclaimed in a rapture “How, Rory Random?” The same, I replied, looking at him with astonishment “What, cried he, don't you know your old school fellow, Hugh Strap?” At that instant, recollecting his face, I flew into his arms, and in the transport of my joy, gave him back one half of the suds he had so lavishly bestowed on my countenance, so that we made a very ludicrous appearance, and furnished a great deal of mirth to his shop-mates. When our mutual caresses were over, I sat down again to be shaved, but the poor fellow's nerves were so discomposed, that his hand could scarcely hold the razor, with which he found
