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means to cut me in three places. His master perceiving his disorder, bid another supply his place; and after the operation was performed, gave Strap leave to pass the rest of the day with me.—We retired immediately to my lodgings, where, calling for some beer, I communicated to him my situation and design.—He did not approve of my going by sea in winter, but if I would go by land, he would bear me company, carry my baggage, as well as his own, all the way; and if we should find ourselves fatigued, it would be no hard matter for us to find on the road, either return horses or waggons, of which we might take the opportunity for a very trifling expence, that I embraced him affectionately and assured him he might command my purse to the last farthing; but he gave me to understand, he had saved money sufficient to answer his own occasions, and that, he had a friend in London, who would soon introduce him into business, and might serve me likewise. Having concerted our plan we departed next morning by day break, armed with a good cudgel each, my companion being charged with the furniture of us both, crammed into a knapsack, which he carried;
