Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/104

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complished it returned, like men agitated by the furies, to die themselves on the walls. * * * Nevertheless, none of the defenders quitted the rampart, or would accept quarter; but each fell advancing against, or struggling with, an antagonist; and even when fallen, and in the last agony, would resign his poignard only to death. The slaughter of the conflict being completed, another, much more dreadful, presented itself in the area below : the transport of victory lost all its joy : all gazed on one another with silent astonishment and remorse, and the fiercest could not refuse a tear to the deplorable destruction spread before them." Such was the gallantry shown by my ancestor and his followers. Not only men but also women have shown bravery or courage. But such occasions happen very rarely; women are not born for such action. Satyabhama, Damayanti,