Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/105

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etc., and in recent years, such as Sultana Rezia, are examples of feminine heroism. For a widow to become "sati" demanded courage on her part. The strong belief that she would join her husband in a future birth or in Heaven was the source of her courage. Otherwise no woman would have dared to meet such a terrible death. On the other hand, some foolish women put an end to their lives by hanging, by drowning, or by poisoning themselves, even for very trifling causes. There is nothing but foolishness in them and their actions may be called daring, but not courageous.


Moral courage means to be patient of mind in sorrow, pain, and under the effects of the six emotions, viz., desire, anger, avarice, arrogance, delusion and envy; and the strength of mind to say or do what we know to be right.