Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/135

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observed in the master's judgment. In this connection let me tell you that you should never keep any relative of yours in a high office in your Zamindari, if he thinks that because he is your relative he is entrusted with that post.

Don't give too much power to the Manager over the Amins or Tahsildars and the heads of departments, but keep such power to yourself. Sign every payment cheque, all credit orders and chittas. Chittas means various account books kept, one for each separate branch, such as cash, bank, jewelry, gold, silver, temple property, and many other minor accounts.

Never allow your officials to file summary and ejectment suits against your tenants without your special sanction. Find out now and then whether your officials cause any oppression to them. Be kind to the tenants, give them opportunities to repre-