Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/136

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sent their grievances. You must always keep the tanks, channels and other water-sources in good repair. Provide your villages with drinking-water tanks and wells, and also roads, if needed. At the beginning of the Fasli (official year) get a budget prepared, see in what items you can curtail the expenditure, and in what items you are spending money extravagantly.

Always be kind to all your servants and officials, give them presents with pleasure when they do their work better than their equals and, mind you, punish them with regret when they arc punishable. If they begin to go wrong, show your displeasure by slight punishment, but at the same time give them a chance to redeem the past. You should not give to any person any chance to use his influence over you. All your decisions must be independent. Never let go any person, let him be your greatest