Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/161

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almost all of them, are not only myths, but unfortunately are stories of devils, demons and cruel beasts. Children get terrified on hearing them. The women think that a child, on hearing such stories, will go to bed willingly. But they, nay even men, are ignorant of the fact that it makes a child faint-hearted and cowardly. When the children grow older, the women-servants, generally old maids, tell tales of love. This second practice makes the children think of the passion of love sooner than they should. Therefore the telling of silly idle tales to children should be strictly prohibited; nor is it a wise thing to allow grown-up girls opportunities of listening to such stories.

From the seventh year or so the child should begin to learn regularly. See that both your mother-tongue and English are taught to the child. You must also see that he learns a little of Sanskrit.