Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/162

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Though the knowledge of Sanskrit may be smal], it will help the learner much in after years.

Many of our people strongly object to girls learning English. I don't care to discuss the subject in this lecture ; but will leave it to your own judgment. Hindus allow their girls to go to school (private or public) only up to twelve years of age. Therefore, within those few years, a girl must be taught to read and write well. Then later on she may improve herself by study in the Zenana« If you want to teach girls in the Zenana, a Hindu female teacher is the best. Or you may get an European lady; but never employ an Eurasian, or a native Christian woman to teach and train your girls.

Now I turn my attention to the boys. From the seventh to the twelfth year, a native teacher will serve for a boy*s instruction. Then, or a little later on, if you