Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/163

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can afford it, engage an European tutor for the tuition and the training of your boys. European tuition and training are essential, because we are now under the British Government, and so we must be trained and taught in certain matters in their own way. No Hindu, however well-read he may be, can teach you the correct pronunciation and accent of words in the English language, and the etiquette and manners of the West, a knowledge of which is absolutely necessary for those who have to move amongst Europeans. If you can't afford a private tutor, send your son to the nearest Rajkumar College. At present there is an institution at Madras called the Newington Establishment, at which more or less all the Minors under the Court of Wards are trained and taught. But up to the present the tuition and training given to the boys in that institution are not at all satisfactory to our class of people.