Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/57

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years, and the present one, Kali Yuga, is to last four hundred and thirty-two thousand years, of which five thousand and five years have already passed.

Though these periods are enormous ones, yet the span of human life is very short. In this short period we cannot do much either in youth or mature age. We must always devote our time profitably for our minds and bodies, as well as advantageously and usefully for others and also for our country. Time, since for man it is so short, should be precious. Everything must come to an end in course of time. Then why should we not make the best use of the short time allotted to us? We should not only not lose it in idleness, but should turn it to the best advantage by having a fixed and determinate time for all we have to do. If any one does not have a fixed time for each of his duties, he is certain to waste the time. Whatever