Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/58

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you do, it should have its allotted time. I know many Zamindars and other men of wealth who devote their time entirely to one or two pursuits and unconcernedly neglect the business of their estates. Some devote their time entirely to sports or to music, or to prayers. I don't in the least object to their devotion to the above recreations; but a man should attend to the several particulars of duty which he has to perform for the benefit of himself as well as for others. First of all we must consider and do all that lies in our power to keep our body in good health; because if our health fails, we cannot do anything at all. To keep our body in health, we require regular bodily exercise. For bodily exercise mornings and evenings are the proper times in India. Therefore rise early in the morning, anyhow before sunrise; take a cup of tea or coffee or some other light refreshment, and go out for