Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/65

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forefathers, but think over their habits and consider whether they are worth following or not. If they are good ones, we must certainly follow them; otherwise we need not follow them.


It is a more or less general practice especially among youths to seek enjoyment in some cruelty shown to a man, beast, bird or insect. The attendants also take a keen interest in such sports. This is a brutal sport. You are simply committing sin by which you will injure yourselves if you hurt a living creature for nothing but for your imaginary enjoyment. By cruel sports, I refer not to ram- or cock-fighting, etc., cruel though they be, but to the torture inflicted in so-called fun on living objects by some people of diseased imagination.

Again there are some people who, though not actually giving pain to the bodies of other people as said above,