Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/66

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wound their feelings by practical jokes as, for example, shaving the head of a person who takes a pride in his hair, shaving the moustache, eyebrows and beard. Sometimes the joke is made worse by shaving only one side of the moustache or one eyebrow. This kind of low and vulgar amusement sorely hurts the feelings of the one who becomes unfortunately subject to this barbarous treatment. India knew very little of such cruel enjoyments in the old days. But in the later days I believe these enjoyments were adopted from the Romans and the Mahommedans. However, my friends, young or old, whichever you may be, don't take to such amusements, nor ever allow your children to go in for them. Those kinds of enjoyments are simply sinful acts and far from giving any real pleasure or amusement.


Eating in competition is a general prac-