Page:Agreement of the people (1648 edition) (IA agreement1648).djvu/13

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Theſe following Particulars were offered to be inſerted in the Agreement, but adjudged fit, as the moſt eminent grievances to be redreſſed by the next Repreſentative.

1. It ſhall not be in their Power, to puniſh or cauſe to be puniſhed, any perſon or perſons, for refuſing to anſwer to Queſtions againſt themſelves in criminal Caſes.

2. That it ſhall not be in their Power, to continue or conſtitute any proceedings in Law, that ſhall be longer then three or four months, in finally determining of any Cauſe paſt all Appeal, or to continue the Laws (or proceedings therein) in any other Language, then in the Engliſh tongue.

3. It ſhall not be in their Power, to continue or make any Laws, to abridg any perſon from Trading unto any Parts beyond the Seas, unto which any are allowed to Trade, or to reſtrain Trade at home.

4. It ſhall not be in their Power, to continue Excize longer then twenty days after the beginning of the next Repreſentative, nor to raiſe moneys by any other way, except by an equal rate, proportionally to mens real or perſonal Eſtates; wherein all perſons not worth above thirty pound, ſhall be exempted from bearing any part of publike Charge, except to the poor, and other accuſtom(illegible text)y Charge of the place where they dwell.

5. It ſhall not be in their Power, to make or continue any Law, whereby mens Eſtates, or any part thereof, ſhall be exempted from payment of their Debts; or to continue or make any Law, to impriſon any mans perſon for Debts of any nature.

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