Page:Agreement of the people (1648 edition) (IA agreement1648).djvu/6

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Pariſhes therein 5
The Univerſity of Cambridg 1
The Town of Cambridg 1
The County of Cambridg, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 4
The County of Eſſex, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein, except Colchester 10
The Town of Colchester 1
The County of Suffolk, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein, except Ipſwich 10
The Town of Ipſwich 1
The City of Norwich 2
The County of Norfolk, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 11
The County of Rutland, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Huntington, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 3
The Burrough of Leiceſter 1
The County of Leicester, with other Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 5
The County of Nottingham, with Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 5
The County of Darby, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 6
The County of Stafford, with the City of Liechfield, and the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 5
The County of Salop, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 5
The Town of Shrewsbury 1
The City of Cheſter 2
The County of Cheſter, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 4
The County of Lancaſter, with the Buroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 7
The City of York 2
The Town of Kingſton upon Hull 1
The County of York, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 13
The County of Durham, with the City of Durham, and the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 3
The Town of Newcaſtle 1
The Town of Berwick 1
The County of Northumberland, with the other Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Cumberland, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Weſtmerland,
