Page:Agreement of the people (1648 edition) (IA agreement1648).djvu/7

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with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Angleſley, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 1
The County of Brecknock, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Cardigan, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Carmarthen, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 1
The County of Carnarven, with the Burroughs, Towns, and Pariſhes therein 1
The County of Denhigh, with the Burroughs, and Pariſhes therein 1
The County of Flint, with the Burroughs, and Pariſhes therein 3
The County of Clamorgan, with the Burroughs, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Merioneth, with the Burroughs, and Pariſhes therein 1
The County of Montgomery, with the Burroughs, and Pariſhes therein 2
The County of Radwal, with the Burroughs, and Pariſhes therein 1
The County of Pembrooke 1
In all 300

The maner of Elections.

1. That the Electors in every Diviſion, ſhall be Natives or Denizons of England, ſuch as have ſubſcribed this Agreement; not perſons receiving Alms, but ſuch as are aſſeſſed ordinarily towards the relief of the poor; not ſervants to, or receiving wages from any particular perſon. And in all Elections (except for the Univerſities) they ſhall be men of one and twenty yeers old, or upwards, and Houſe-keepers, dwelling within the Diviſion, for which the Election is; Provided, that until the end of ſeven yeers next enſuing the time herein limited, for the end of this preſent Parliament, no perſon ſhall be admitted to, or have any hand or voyce in ſuch Elections, who have adhered to, or aſſiſted the King againſt the Parliament in any of theſe Wars or Inſurrections; or who ſhall make or joyn in, or abetany