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any forcible oppoſition againſt this Agreement; and that ſuch as ſhall not ſubſcribe it before the time limited, for the end of this Parliament, ſhall not have Vote in the next Election; neither, if they ſubſcribe afterwards, ſhall they have any voyce in the Election next ſucceeding their ſubſcription, unleſs their ſubſcription were ſix months before the ſame.

2. That until the end of fourteen yeers, ſuch perſons, and ſuch onely, may be elected for any Diviſion, who by the rule aforeſaid, are to have voyce in Elections in one place or other; Provided, that of thoſe, none ſhall be eligible for the firſt or ſecond Repreſentatives, who have not voluntarily aſſiſted the Parliament againſt the King, either in perſon before the fourteenth of June, 1645. or else in Mony, Plate, Horſe, or Arms, lent upon the Propoſitions before the end of May, 1643. or who have joyned in, or abbetted the Treaſonable Engagement in London, in the yeer 1647. or who declared or engaged themſelves for a Ceſſation of Arms with the Scots, who Invaded the Nation the laſt Summer, or for complyance with the Actors in any the Inſurrections of the ſame Summer, or with the Prince of Wales, or his accomplices in the revolted Fleet.

3. That whoever, being by the Rules in the two next preceding Articles incapable of Election, or to be elected, ſhall aſſume to Vote in, or be preſent at ſuch Elections for the firſt or ſecond Repreſentative, or being elected, ſhall preſume to ſit or Vote in either of the ſaid Repreſentatives, ſhall encur the pain of confiſcation of the movety of his eſtate, to the uſe of the Publike, in caſe he have any eſtate viſible, to the value of fifty pounds. And if he have not ſuch an eſtate, then he ſhall encur the pain of impriſonment for three months. And if any perſon ſhall forcibly oppoſe, moleſt, or hinder the people (capable of electing as aforeſaid) in their quiet and free Election of their Repreſentatives; then each perſon ſo offending, ſhall encur the pain of confiſcation of his whole eſtate, both real and perſonal; and if he have not an eſtate, to the value of fifty pound, ſhall ſuffer impriſonment, during one whole yeer, without bayl or mainpriſe. Provided, that the offender in each ſuch caſe be convicted within three months, next after the committing of his offence.

4. That