Page:Agreement of the people (1648 edition) (IA agreement1648).djvu/9

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4. That for the more convenient Election of Representatives, each County, with the ſeverall places thereto conjoyned, wherein more then three Repreſentatives are to be choſen, ſhall be divided by a due proportion into ſo many parts, as each part may elect two, and no part above three Repreſentatives. And for the making of theſe Diviſions, two perſons be choſen in every Hundred, Lath, or Wapentake, by the People therein (capable of electing as aforeſaid) which People ſhall on the laſt Tueſday in February next between eleven and three of the Clock, be aſſembled together for that end at the chiefe Towne, or uſuall meeting place in the ſame Hundred, Lath, or Wapentake; And that the perſons in every Hundred, Lath or Wapentake ſo choſen, or the Major part of them, ſhall on the fourteenth day after their Election, meet at the Common Hall of the County-Towne, and divide the County into parts as aforeſaid, and alſo appoint a certain place in each reſpective part or Diviſion, wherein the People ſhall alwaies meet for the choice of their Repreſentatives, and ſhall make Returnes of the ſaid Diviſions, and certain places of meeting therein, into the Parliament Records in writing under the hands and ſeales of the major part of them preſent: And alſo cauſe the ſame to be publiſhed in every Pariſh in the County before the end of March now next enſuing: And for the more equall Diviſion of the City of London, for the choice of its Repreſentatives, there ſhall one perſon be choſen by the People in every Pariſh in the ſaid City (capable of Election as aforeſaid) upon the laſt Tueſday in February aforeſaid; on which day they ſhall aſſemble in each Pariſh for the ſame purpoſe, between two and four of the clock: And that the perſons ſo choſen, or the major part of them, ſhall upon the fourteenth day after their Election, meet in the Guild Hall of the ſaid City, and divide the ſame City into eight equall parts or Diviſions, and appoint a certain place in every Diviſion reſpectively, wherein the People of that Diviſion ſhall alwaies meet for the choice of their Repreſentatives, and ſhall make Returne thereof; and cause the
