Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/180

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cuach, a cup, bowl, Ir. cuachóg, O. Ir. cúach: Lat. caucus, Gr. καῦκα; Skr. koça. It is generally held that cuach is borrowed from the Lat., though phonetically they may be cognate. Thw W. cawg is certainly borrowed.

cuach, curl, so Ir.; from the above.

cuag, an awkward curve, kink, an excrescence on the heel; also guag (Dialectic): *kouggâ, *kouk-gâ; root qeuq, bend; Skr. kuc, bend. Lit. kuku, hook?

cu'ag, cubhag, cuckoo, Ir. cuach, O. Ir. cúach, W. côg, of onomatopoetic origin - from the cuckoo's cry of kuku, whence Eng. cuckoo, Lat. cucûlus, Gr. κόκκυξ, Skr. kôkilas, koka.

cuailean, the hair, a lock, curl, Ir. cuailen (Stokes). This Stokes refers to a stem *koglenno-, and cfs. Gr. κόχλος, a spiral-shelled shell-fish, κοχλίας, spiral-shelled snail, Lat. cochlea. As the Gr. may be for hóhlos, the derivation is uncertain. Ir. cuailín, a bundle, faggot, suggests that a similar derivation from cual was used metaphorically for a "bundle or cord of hair".

cuaille, a club, bludgeon, Ir., E. Ir. cuaille, *kaullio-; Gr. καυλός, stalk; Lat. caulis, stalk; Lit. káulas, a bone (Stokes). It may, however, be for *coud-s-lio-, from qoud, Lat. cûdo, strike.

cuairsg, roll, wreathe, so Ir.; from cuairt, with the termination -sqô.

cuairt, circuit, so Ir., O. Ir. cúairt. Stokes gives the stem as kukṛti, from kur, circle, as in cruinn.

cual, a faggot, burden of sticks, Ir. cual, M. Ir. cual, heap, *kuglo-, root kug, qeüg; Eng. heap; Lat. cumulus (=cub-lus?); Lit. kúgis, heap.

cuallach, herding or tending cattle:

cuallach, society, family, Ir. cuallaidheachd, society, cuallaidhe, a companion:

cuan, the ocean, Ir., M. Ir. cuan, harbour, copno-; Norse köfn, Ger. hafen, Eng. haven.

cuanal, cuantal, a company, a band of singers, flocks (Carm.), E. Ir. cúan, host, *koupn-, Lit. kupa, heap, Eng. heap(?).

cuanna, cuannar, handsome, fine, Ir. cuanna; also cuanta, robust, neat: *kaun-navos, from kaun, skaun; Ger. schön.

cuar, crooked, Ir. cuar, E. Ir. cúar, *kukro-, root kuc, bend; Skr. kucati, bend, Lit. kukü?, hook (Strachan). But cf. cuairt.

cuaradh, paining, tormenting; cf. W. cur, pain, care, curio, beat. The Dictionaries refer the word to ciùrr, as a Dialectic form.

cuaran, a brogue, sock, Ir. cuaróg, M. Ir. cúarán, W. curan, a covering for the foot and leg *kourano-, "mocassin": *keu-ro-; root keu, ku, as in Lat. cu-tis, skin, Eng. hide, Ag. S. hýd (*kûtí-).