Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/181

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cuartach,a fever (Arg.); from cuairt.

cuartag, ringworm (Hend.):

cuas, a cave; see còs.

cuat, sweetheart (Carm.):

cùb, a tumbril, box-cart; from Sc. coop, coup, box-cart, etc., probably the same as Eng. coop, basket. Dialectic coba.

cùb, crouch, Ir. cúbaim; founded on Lat. cubo, lie

cùbaid, pulipt; ultimately from Lat. pulpitum, a speaking platform, whence Eng. pulpit, Sc. poopit. Dialectic bùbaid.

cùbair, a cooper; from the Eng.

cubhag, cuckoo; see cu'ag.

cubhaidh, fit, so Ir., O. Ir. cobaid, fit, cubaithiu, concinnior: *convedo-, "suiting"; root ved, bind, as in feadhainn.

cùbhraidh, fragrant, Ir. cumhra, cúmhra, M. Ir. cumra, cumrae, E. Ir. cumrai (i n-aballgort chumrai); *com-rae:

cubhraig, cubhrainn, a coverlet; founded on the Eng. cover, coverlet. Dialectic cuibhlig.

cuchailte, a residence (Arm.; not H.S.D.), Ir., cuclaidhe; *concladh-; from cladh, q.v.

cudaig, the fish cuddy, young of the coalfish, Ir. cudóg, códog, haddock, *cod-do-; Eng. haddock? Sc. cuddy, cudden, may be of G. origin (Murray). cudainn.

cùdainn, a large bushel or tub; cf. Norse kútr, cask, Sc. coodie, quiddie, small tub. M. Ir. cuidin, coithin, catînus, is probably from a Celt. kotîno-, Gr. κοτúλη, cup, Lat. catînus, a dep vessel.

cudrom, cudthrom, weight: *con-trom-, "co-heavy"; O. Ir. cutrumme, similis. See trom. Dialectic cuideam.

cugann, delicacy, "kitchen", E. Ir. cuicen; from Lat. coquina.

cugan, food (Carm.):

cugar, mab, or wild cat (Carm.):

cugullach, precarious, unstable (Carm.):

cuibheas, sufficiency:

cuibheasach, tolerable, middling, Ir. cuibheasach, decent, pretty good, fairly good (in health), cuibheas, decency, cuibhe, decent. See cubhaidh for stem. The Ir. cuibhe shows that it is possible to derive the word from *con-vesu-, root vesu of feabhas.

cuibhle, cuibhill, a wheel; from Eng. wheel.

cuìbhne, deer's horn (Arm., M'L.), deer's tibia (H.S.D.):

cuibhreach, a bond, chain, so Ir., O.Ir cuimrech, vb. conriug, ligo, W. rhwym, vinculum, Br. rum, kevre, *kom-rigo-n; rigo-, a bond; Lat. corrigia, shoe-lace; M.H.G. ric, band, string.