Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/359

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love; Ch. Sl. prijati, be favourable; Skr. prī́yate, be gratified, prîṇâti, enjoy.

riasail, tear asunder, riasladh, mangling, tearing asunder: *reik-so-, root reik, notch, break; Gr. ἐρείκω, tear? Cf. riastradh riach; and riaghan, a swing.

riasg, dirk-grass, morass with sedge, land covered with sedge or dirk-grass, Manx reeast, wilderness, Ir. riasg, moor or fen, E. Ir. riasc, morass; *reisko-; cf. Lat. rûscum (*roiscum?), butcher's broom, Eng. rush. Sc. reesk, coarse grass, marshy land, is from G.

riasglach, a mangled carcase (H.S.D., Dial.); from stem of riasail.

riaspach, riasplach, confused, disordered; see next word.

riastradh, turbulance, confusion, wandering, E. Ir. ríastrad, distortion. For root, cf. riasail. W. rhywstro, obstruct (Hend.).

riatach, wanton, illegitimate; cf. Eng. riot.

rib, hair, snare, Ir. ribe, ruibe, hair, whisker. See next words.

ribeag, rag, tassel, fringe, ribean, riband, Ir. ribeóg, rag, tassel, ribleach, a long line, anything tangled, ribín, riband; from M. Eng. riban, O. Fr. riban (Br. ruban).

ribheid, a reed, bagpipe reed, musical note, Ir. ribheid; from M. Eng. rēod, now reed.

rìbhinn, rìoghann, a nymph, young lady, quean, Ir. ríoghan, queen, E. Ir. rígan, a derivative of rìgh, king. Gaelic leans, by proper etymology, on rìgh-bhean.

rideal, a riddle; from the Eng.

ridhe, field, bottom of a valley (H.S.D.); better righe. See ruighe.

ridir, a knight, Ir. ridire, E. Ir. ritire, W. rheidyr; from Ag. S. ridere, horseman, ridda(n), knight, Ger. ritter, knight, Norse riddari, rider, knight; from the verb ride (see réidh).

rìgh, a king, Ir. rígh, O. Ir. , g. ríg, W. rhi, Gaul. -rix, pl. -riges: *rêks, g. rêgos; Lat. rex, rêgis; Got. reiks, ruler, Eng. rich, -ric; Skr. râj, king, our rajah.

righ, stretch (on a death bed), Ir. righim, stretch, reach, E. Ir. rigim, Lat. rego, etc., as under righinn.

righil, a rell, dance; see ruithil.

righinn, tough, pliant, tenacious, Ir. righin: *reg-eni-; root reg, stretch, Gr. ὀρέγω, stretch, Lat. porrigo, rego, etc. See éirich.

rinn, a point, promontory, Ir. rind, O. Ir. rinnd, rind, W. rhyn, pehrhyn, cape. It has been analysed as ro-ind, "fore-end", E. Ir. ind, end, Eng. end. Cf. reannag, however.

rinn, did, Ir. rinn, O. Ir. rigni, fecit; from ro and gni of , will do, q.v. See also gnìomh.