Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/379

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seneschal. It could hardly be from Lat. scholasticus, as Skene (Celt. Scot.1 448) thinks.

sgàlain, scales for weighing, Ir. scála, a balance, scali (B. of Deer); from the early Eng. scale, Ag. S. scále, Norse skál, a balance.

sgàlan, hut, scaffold, Ir., M. Ir. scálán; from the Norse skáli, hut, shed. Stkes (Bez.Beit.18 65) refers it to a stem *scânlo-, cognate with Gr. σκηνη (Dor. σκᾱná), a tent, roof, skhâ, cover, shade.

sgald, burn, scald, Ir. sgall, scald, singe; from the Eng. scald.

sgall, baldness, Ir. sgallta, bald, bare; see under sgailc.

sgalla, an old hat (M'A.):

sgàlla, a large wooden dish cut out of a tree (M'A.):

sgallais, insult, contempt; from the Norse sköll, mockery, loud laughter, skjal, empty talk, skjall, flattering (H.S.D. gives "flatter" as a meaning): allied to sgal, q.v.

sgamal, a scale, squama, Ir. sgamal; from Lat. squâmula, squâma. In G. and Ir. Bibles, Acts8 18, "Scales fell from his eyes" - sgamail.

sgamal, effluvia, phlegn, Ir. sgamal: same as above.

sgamh, dross, dust; see sgabh.

sgamhan, the lungs, liver, Ir. sgamhán, lungs, M. Ir. scaman, W. ysgyfaint, lights, Cor. skefans, Br. skeveñt; from Ir. scaman, levis, W. ysgafn, light, Cor. scaff, Br. skanv, light (cf. for force Eng. lights, Russ. legkoe, lungs, from legkii, light): *skamno-; cf. Norse skammr, short, O. H. G. scam, short.

sgann, a multitude, drove:

sgann, a membrane, Ir. sgann; cf. Norse skán, a thin membrane, film, skaeni, film, membrane; *skad-no?

sganradh, dispersing, terror; see sgainnir.

sgaog, a foolish, giddy girl; cf. Sc. skeich, skeigh, skittish, Eng. shy.

sgaoil, spread, scatter, let go, Ir. sgaoilim, M. Ir., E. Ir. scáilim; cf. W. chwalu, disperse, strew, root sqval, sqvôl, allied to root sqel, split (as in sgoilt, q.v.). Rhys says W. is borrowed.

sgaoim, a fright, a start from fear, skittishness: for sgeum? If so, for sceng-men, E. Ir. scingim, I start; Gr. σκάζω, I limp, σκιμβάζω, limp; Ger. hinken (do.); Skr. khanj (do.). See sgeun.

sgaoth, a swarm (as of bees), Ir. scaoth, scaoith: *skoiti-, from skheit, separate; Ger. scheiden, Eng. shed; further Lat. scindo (from root skjeid, split), split.

sgap, scatter, Ir. scapaim: *skad-bo- (from skad, divide, Gr. σκεδάννυμι, scatter), developing into skabb, which, as skabb-th, becomes sgap? But consider Eng. scape, escape.

sgar, sever, separate, Ir. sgaraim, O. Ir. scaraim, W. ysgar, separate, O. Br. scarat, dijudicari: *skaraô, root sker, separate,