Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/60

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Gaelic. Old Irish. Gadelic.
G. dà thigh dá thige tegesō
D. dà thigh dib tigib tegesobin
Pl. N. tighean tige tegesa
G. tigh tige n- tegeson
D. tighibh tigib tegesobis

6. Adjectives.

Adjectives belonged (1) to the o- and the a- declensions, as *marvos, *marvâ, *marvon, now marbh, declined like the nouns of o- and a- declen­sions; (2) i- declen­sion, as maith, *matis, *matis, *mati, the neuter nom. being the stem; (3) u- declen­sion, as *tigus, *tigus (?), *tigu, now tiugh; and (4) conso­nantal adj., *tepens, te, téit, etc. Compar­ison was in two ways—(1) caomh: O. Ir. cóem, coemiu, coemem: *koimos, *koimjôs, *koimimos; (2) luath: O. Ir. lúath, lúath­ither, lúathem: *loutos, *louti­teros, *loutimos.

The numerals may be seen in the Dictionary in their Celtic form: *oinos, *dvâ, *treis, etc.

The pronouns are so phonetically gone astray that they cannot be restored.

B. Conjugation.

Active Voice. Indicative—Present. Verb beir, bear.

S. 1. beiridh mi berimm berommi*
2. beiridh tu beri beresi
3. beiridh e berid bereti
Rel. beireas beres beret-se
P. 1. beiridh sinn bermme berommesi
2. beiridh sibh berthe berete
3. beiridh iad berit berenti (beronti)
Rel. beireas berte berent-eis

Dependent Present.

S. 1. bheir mi do-biur berô
2. bheir tu do-bir beres
3. bheir e do-beir beret
P. 1. bheir sinn do-beram beromos
2. bheir sibh do-berid berete
3. bheir iad do-berat beront

The first sing. is from theme-vowel-less verbs: *ber-mi. Cf. orm, tharam even agam, asam.