Page:Alice Miller (1917) Women are people (Internet Archive).djvu/48

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Reflections of a Suffragist

And Perhaps of an Anti

If my heart sinks at thought of a campaign
It is not that I'm lazy, that I shirk
Hard work,
It is not that it makes me faint and weak
To speak,
Nor that I find it such a horrid plague
To beg,
Not that I fear the strain of being quite
Suavely polite
To many whom I'd so much rather smite,
Or bite;
It isn't even that I hate and fear
To hear
The "facts" of our opponents year by year;
But, dear, oh, dear,
It is the weary things that day by day
I'll have to say;
The things the voters ought to know, and don't,
Or won't,
About democracy, the home, the wife,

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