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Black and white illustration of Jules Verne's tombstone, in the shape of a bearded man's torso rising diagonally from the ground, with right arm stretched out to the sky and a flat tombstone on his back.
Vol. 1 No. 6
Sept., 1926

EDITORIAL & GENERAL OFFICES: 53 Park Place, New York City
Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc.

(H. Gernsback, Pres.; S. Gernsback, Treas.; R. W. DeMott, Sec'y)

Owners of Broadcast Station WRNY.


Contents for Sept

In the Abyss

By H. G. Wells 484

A Columbus of Space (Serial in 3 parts)

(Second part)

By Garrett P. Serviss 490

The Purchase of the North Pole (Serial in 2 parts)

By Jules Verne 510

Station X (Serial in 3 parts)


By G. McLeod Winsor 528

The Moon Hoax

By Richard Adams Locke 556


shows an exciting episode from "In the Abyss," by H. G. Wells, wherein the explorer first sees the chameleon-like fish people roaming at the bottom of the ocean.


"Station X," by G. McLeod Winsor, copyright J. B. Lippincott Co.

"The Purchase of the North Pole," by Jules Verne, copyright 1911 by Vincent Parke & Co. (Parke, Austin & Lipscomb Co.)

In Our Next Issue

THE DIAMOND LENS, by Fitz-James O'Brien. This is one of the world's classics. A story written years ago, but which retains its flavor to the fullest extent and brings in an exquisite microscopic being, the enchanting heroine of the story.

THE PURCHASE OF THE NORTH POLE, by Jules Verne. Here we give our readers the second and concluding installment of this entrancing story. The author's ingenuity in evolving a cause for the remarkable fault in mathematics is only revealed in the last lines.

A COLUMBUS OF SPACE, by Garrett P. Serviss. The story draws to an end. Attack, adventure, captivity are all successfully coped with. And then comes a tragic termination and the reader does not know by what possible means the denouement can be brought about. As always with this author, the science of the story is absolutely correct in all details.

THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, by H. G. Wells. One of the most astounding stories ever written by the well-known author. We have never read a story that held our interest at such a feverish pitch of excitement as does this classic; we will not give away the contents to spoil it all for you. You may take our word for it that you never read anything as weird and amazing as "The Island of Dr. Moreau."

BLASPHEMERS' PLATEAU, by Alexander Snyder, wherein some eminent scientists successfully experiment with infinite secrets, until they become drunk with their power. Then another scientist arrives on a friendly visit. It is a powerful and gripping story which is sure to hold your interest. This story was crowded out of the September issue.

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AMAZING STORIES, Monthly. Entered as second class matter March 10, 1928, by the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Title Registered U. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1926, by E. P. Co., Inc., New York. The text and illustrations in this Magazine are copyrighted and must not be reproduced without giving full credit to the publication. AMAZING STORIES is for sale at all newsstands in the United States and Canada. European Agents, S. J. Wise Et Cie, 40 Place Verte, Antwerp, Belgium. Printed in U. S. A.

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