Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/434

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November — for riay-October.



Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star p7-efixed\o a title indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithntetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; +, favorable ; — , unfavorable; +—, favorable, but with reservations ; — + , unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + — , very favorable, but with

reservations; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. Neiu editions, translations, and neiv periodicals are bracketed.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.


1. Anthropology, Ethnology.

Bastian, A. Zur heutigcn Sachlage der Ethnologic in nalionaler u. socialer Bedeutung. B., D, Reimer. 56 pp. 8vo. M. i.

Dachsel, Paul. Ei^ht years among the Malays. Milwaukee, Wis., C. N. Caspar Co. 121pp. Svo. $0.50.

Groome, F. H. Gipsy folk tales. N. Y., New Amsterdam Bk. Co. 212 pp. Svo. $4.

Keane. A. H. Man past and present. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 584 pp. Svo. $3. (Cam- bridge geographical series.)

Ripley, W. Z. Races of Europe: a sociological study ( Lowell Institute lectures), accompanied by a supplementary bibliography of the anthro- pology & ethnology of Europe, published by the Public Library of the City of Boston. N. v., D. Appleton & Co. 2 v. pors., map. Svo. $6.

Schtader. O. Prehistoric antiquities of the Aryan peoples: a manual of comp.Trative philology & the earliest culture, tr. by F. V. Jerome from 2d rev. German ed. . . . N. Y., Scribner's Sons. 486 pp. Svo. $6.75.

2. Biology, Evolution, Science.

Hutton, F. W. Darvv'lnism & Lamarckism, old & new: four lectures. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 226 pp. i2mo. $1.

3. Charities.

Boire, Andre. Du vagabondage (these). P.,

Chevalier- Marescq & Cie. 127 pp. Svo. Bougaud, Emile. History of St. Vincent de Paul

.... from 2d French ed. by Rev. Jos. Brady.

N. v., Longmans, Green & Co. 2 v. pors.

Svo. $6. Chance, W. Our treatment of the poor. L., P. S.

King. 234 pp. Svo. 2S. 6d. Craggs. Rene. Les friendly societies (these). P.,

Chevalier-Marcsq. 180 pp. 8vo. Ducuron-Fucot, Rene. De la repression de la

mendicite ("t^ese). Toulouse, Marques &

Cie. 183 pp. Svo. Du Puy, Hubert. Vagabondage et mendicity.

Commeniaire critique de la legislation en

vigueur et des conditions de I'assistance. P.,

libr. Larose, 178 pp. Svo. f, 3.50.

Fay, E. A. Marriages of the deaf in America : an inquiry concerning the results of marriages of the deaf in America. Wash,, Volta Bureau. 527 pp. 8vo. $5.

Fur Feste u. Freunde der inneren Mission . . . Gesammelt v. M. Hennig, 21. -30. Heft. B., Buchh. des Ostdeut, Jiingllngsbundes. \ M. (3. Bd. kplt, M. 1.50.)

Gesch. d. inneren Mission in Thiiringen. Eis- leben, Verlag Thiiring. evan. Sonntagsblattes. 594 pp. Svo. M. 6.

London — County , Council. Endowed charities. Reports made to the Charity Commissioners at an inquiry in Lambeth Parish into endow- ments, etc., with reports of the Commissioners concerning charities, 1818101837. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. is. 6d.

Mangini, Alfr. I monti di pieta e loro riforme. Macerata, tip. A. Tamburrini. 40 pp. i6mo.

Poor-law conferences held in the year 1898-99. Proceedings, papers read, discussion, report of central committee. L., P. S. King. 690 pp.

Svo. I2S.

Quaas, Edm. Geschichte der inneren Mission im Herzogt. Sachsen-Ahenburg. Altenburg, Th. Korner in Komm. 159 pp. Svo. M. 3.

4. Cities. Claretie, J. La vie a Paris (1898). P., libr. Fas-

quelle. 500 pp., iSmo. f. 3.50. Cook, F. A. Mediaeval towns: the story of Rouen.

N. Y., Macmillan Co. 409 pp. il. i6mo. $2. Dresden — Verwaltungsbericht des Rathes der

konigl. Haupt- u. Residenzstadt Dresden f. d.

J. 1897. Dresden, Zahn & Jaensch in Komm.

366 u. 64 pp. 4to. M. 3. Eaton. D. B. Government of municipalities. L.,

Macmillan Co. Svo. 17s. Foote, A. R. Municipal public service industries.

Chic, Other Side Pub. Co. 352 pp. i2mo. $1. Gibbings, A. H. Commercial & business aspects

of municipal electricity supply. L., Thos.

Whittaker. 410. 15s. Headlam, Cecil. Mediaeval towns: the story of

Nuremberg. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 303 pp.

i6mo. $1.50. Heidelberg — Chronik der Stadt Heidelberg f. d. J.

1S97. 5. Jahrg. Bearb. v. Aug. Thorbecke.

Heidelberg, J. Homing. 114 pp. 8vo. M.0.80.