Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/435

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Hollander, J. H. Financial histon- of Baltimore, Md. Bait., Johns Hopkins Press. 397 pp. 8vo. $2.

Michie. T. J., ed. Municipal corporation cases, annot. ... all cases decided by the couns of last resort in (he U. S. V. i. Charlollcsville, Va., G. R. B. Michie & Co. 796 pp. 8vo. $5.

Moore, E. C. S. Sanitar>' engineering : a practical treatise on the collection, removal & final dis- posal of sewage & the design & construction of works of drainage & sewerage. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand. 621 pp. 8vo. $10.

Odgcr;, W. B. Local government. L., Macmillan Co. 294 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. (English Citizen.)

Pclatant, L. De rorganisaiion de la police (these). Dijon, impr. Bcrthoud.

[Richards, H. C, & W. H. C. Payne. London water supply: being a compendium of the history, law & transactions relating to the metropolitan water companies from the earliest times to the present day. L., P. S. King. Ed. 2. 322 pp. 8vo. 6s, j

Sexby, J. J. Municipal parks, gardens & open spaces of London, their historj* & associations, N. v., C. Scribner's Sons. 646 pp. il. 8vo. $8.40.

Shadwell, Arthur. London water supply. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 272 pp. i2mo. $1.75.

Wagner & Schafer. Das Baurecht der Stadt Mainz. Mainz, H. Quasthoff. 338 pp. 8vo. M. 4.

Weber, A. F. Growth of cities in the 19th cen- tury: a study in statistics. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 495 pp. 8vo. $4. (Columbia University studies in history', etc.)

5. CrimiDology and Penology.

Intemat. krim. Vcreinlgung. Strafgesetzgebung derGegenwart in rechisvergleichender Darstel- lung. B.,0. Liebmann. V. 2. Strafrecht der aussereuropaischcn Staaten, nebst e. Anh., Das Strafrecht der Staaten Europas, 1893-8. 540 pp. 8vo. M. 26.

Jean. Lcs bas-fonds du crime et de la prostitu- tion. P., 34 rue de Lille, f. 3.50.

Leagermann, Carl. Lombroso's ITieorie vom " ge- borenen Verbrecher'" : die positive Stafrechts- schule u. der Einfluss beider auf die Strafrechts- pflcge. DUsseldorf, L. Vose & Co. 72 pp. 8vo. M. 0.50. (Aus Jahresbcr. d. Rhein.-westf. Gefangniss-Gesellschafi.)

Levy, J. H,, ed. Necessity for criminal appeal as illustrated by the Maybrick case & the juris- prudence of^ various countries. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 8vo. $4.20.

Marsh, R. The crime & the criminal. N. Y., New Amsterdam Book Co. 346 pp. Svo. $1.50.

Mayer, Ernst. Der Causalzusammcnhang zwischen HandluDg u. Erfolg im Strafrecnt. Eine rechtsphilosoph. Untersuchg. F., J. C. B. Mohr. 148 pp. Svo. M. 3.

Mestre, A. Lcs personnes morales et Ic probleme de leur responsabilite penale (these). P., A. Rousseau. 360 pp. 8vo.

Zucker. Alois. Leber Schuld u. Strafe der jugend- lichen Verbrecher. Stuttgart, Enke. 128 pp. Svo. M, 3.

6. Education,

Bamet. P. A. Common sense in education & teaching: an introduction to practice. N. V., Longmans. Green & Co. 321 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Chamberlain, 1. L., Universities & their sons. In 5 v. V. I. B., R. Hemdon Co. 750 pp. il. por. 8vo. half mor. Subs, price per vol. $15.

Froebel, F. Education by development: the sec- ond part of *' The pedagogics of the kinder- garten," tr. by Josephine Davis. N. Y., Apple- ton. 347 pp. lamo. $i.5a (Intemat. Educa, ser. no. 44.)

Herbart, J. F. letters & lectures on education, tr. from the German & ed. with an introd, by H. M. & Emmie Felkin. Syracuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardee:i, 1898. 285 pp. i2mo. $1.75.

7. Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology.

Bender. Wilh. Mythologie u. Melaphysik. Grund- linien e. Gcscn. Welianschauungn. 1. lid. Die Entstehg. der Weltanschauungn. im griech. Altertum. Stuttgart, F. Frommann. 288 pp. Svo. M. 4.

Delanne, Gabriel. L'ame est immortelle. Demon- stration experimcntale. P., libr. Chamul. 472 pp. i3mo. f. 3.50.

Gutberlet. Const. Der Kampf um die Seele. Vor- trage iib. die brenn. Fragen der modernen Psychologic. Mainz, F. Kirchheim. 501 pp. Svo. M. 7.

James, W. Talks to teachers on psychology, & to students on some of life's ideals. N. Y., H. Holt & Co. 301 pp. Svo. $1.50,

Knowlson, T. S. Art of thinking. L., Fred. Warne & Co. 148 pp. 2s. 6d.

Kiihnemann, Eug. Grundlehren der Philosophic. Studien lib. Vorsokratiker, Sokrates u. Plato. B., W, Spemann. 47S pp. Svo. M. 7.

Miinsterberg, Hugo. Psychology & life. B., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 286 pp. Svo. $2.

[Paulsen, Frederic, A system of ethics, ed. & tr. from 4th ed. by Frank Thilley. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 733 pp. Svo. $3.]

[Pollock, SirFrederick. Spinoza, his life & philoso- phy. Ed. 2. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 427 PP- Svo. $3.]

Rauh, F. De la methode dans la psychologic des sentiments. P., F. Alcan. 311 pp. Svo. f. 5.

Robertson. J. M. Short history of free thought, ancient & modern. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 447 pp. 8vo. $3. . r, .

Robert>', E. dc. Nforale et politique. P., impr. Davy. 15 pp. Svo.

Snider, D. J. ITie will & its world psychical & ethical. St. Louis, Mo., Sigma Pub. Co. (A, C. McCiurg & Co., Chicago.) 575 pp. i2mo. $2.

Wagner, Adf. Studien u. Skizzen aus Natur- wissenschaftu. Philosophic. 2. Zum Probleme der WiUensfreiheit. B., Gebr. Bomiraeger. 61 pp. Svo. M. 1.

Ziehen, T. Introduction to physiological psychol- ogy, tr. by C. C. Van Liew & O. W. Beyer. L., Swan Sonnenschein. 320 pp. Svo. 6s.

8. Family.

Alvarez, Alex. De I'influcnce de^ phenomenes politiques, economiques et sociaux sur I'or- ganisation de la famillc moderne (these). P.

Discussion sur la reglcmentation de la prostitution. Clermont, impr. Daix freres. 24 pp. Svo. (Societe medicate de T Elysee, seances, 1898.)

Gouttes. Jacques de. Etude historique, critique et comparative des rapports du divorce ct de la separation dc corps (these). Toulouse, libr. Riviere. T51 pp. Svo.

Lc Dantec, Felix. La sexual ite. Evreux. impr. Herissey. 99 pp. Svo.

Quievrieux, A., & E. Gounelle, Guerrea I'lmmora- lite! Un prcjct d'action morale. Vals-les- Bains, Aberlen & Cie. 92 pp. i6mo.

Sevcrus, Heinr. Prostitution u. Staatsgcwalt. Dresden. C. Weiske. 55 pp. Svo. M. j.50.

Sutcr. Fr. Die Frau in der christlichen Gcsell- schaft. ( Etn Bcitrag zur Sozialreform.) Miinchen, R. Abt. 142 pp. Svo. M. 1.20.

[Womanhood: Illustrated magazine of literature, science, art, medicine, hygiene, progress of women ; ed. by Mrs. Ada S, Ballin. V . i, 544.

pp. Svo.

ed. by '. 5S.J