Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/436

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9. Finance, Taxation.

Besson, Emmanuel. Le controle dcs budgets en France et a I'etranger, Etude historique et critique surle controle financier desprincipaux itats depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. P., Chevalier-Marescq & Cie. 632 pp. 8vo. f. 7.50.

Busemann, Ernst. Das kaulmanntsche Ueposi- tum V. Geld u. Werlpapieren nach der neue- sten Gesetzgebung. (Diss.) Gottingen, Van- denhoeck & Ruprechl. 49 pp. 8vo. M. I.20.

Chapman, S. J. Local government & state aid . . . N. Y., C. Scribner'sSons. 142 pp. lamo. $1. (Social Science ser.) ,

Choquel, Paul. Etude sur I'organisation du cridil agricole en France (these). P., libr. Arthur Rousseau. 20^ pp. 8vo.

Daniels. W. M. Elements of public finance, in- cluding the monetary system of the United States. N. Y., H. Holt & Co. 383 pp. lamo.

$1.5°. ,.. , • i

Desloges. Henri. Epargne et credit populaires Si I'etranger et en France (these). Nancy, impr. Crepin-Leblond. 358 pp. 8vo. ,

Great Britain— Parliament. Royal commission on local taxation. V. 3. Scotland. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 2S. 6d.

Hisloire de la Banque de France. Etablissemcnts qui I'ont precede en France. P., E. Servius, 24 me Dauphine. 52 pp. 8vo.

[Leroy-Beaulien, Paul. Traiti de la science des finances. 6e ddition, refondue et augmentee. P., Guillaumin&Cie. 2 v. 8vo. f. 50. (Eco- nomistes et publicistes contemporains.) J

M^liot M. & A. Dictionnaire financier interna- tional thiorique et pratique. Bourses, banques, monnaies, arbitrages, societes et compagnies. . . P., Berger-Levrault&Cie. 914 PP. 8vo.

Murat, Albert. Le controle international sur les finances de I'Egypte, de la Gri:ce et de la Tur- quie (these). P., libr. Arthur Rousseau. 140 pp. 8vo.

Sandron, Eug<:ne. Les societes du credit agricole (these). P., libr. Arthur Roussseau. 218 pp.

Schmid, Ferd. Der landwirthschaftliche Personal- Credit in Oesterreich wahrend der letzten 50 Jahre. Wien. M. Perles in Komm.

Watson, D. K. History of American coinage. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 278 pp. j2mo.

Willgren. Karl. Das Staatsbudgel, dessen Aufbau u. Verhaltnis zur Staatsreclinung. B., Putt- kammer & Muhlbrecht. 137 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

10. History (American & Social).

Amer. Academy of Polit. & Social Science— Foreign policy of the U. S.. political & commercial. Addresses & discussions at the annual meeting of the assoc, 1899. Phil., The Assoc. 216 pp. 8vo. $1.50.

American Historical Assoc— Study of history in schools. Report to the assoc. by the Committee of Seven. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 267 pp. i2mo. $0.50. , , _

Ashton, J. Social England under the regency. L., Chatto & Windus. 448 pp. 8vo. 6s.

Aubin, Eugene. Les Anglais aux Indes et en Egypte. P., Colin & Cie. 290 pp. i6mo.

Bccke, L., & Jeffrey, Walter. Admiral Philip; the foundingof New South Wales. N. Y., Long- mans, Green & Co. 336 pp. i2mo. $1.50. (Builders of Greater Britain, no. 9.)

Beresford. Lord Charles. Break up of China : an accountof its present commerce, currency, wa- terways, armies, railways, politics, & future prospects. L., Harper & Bros. 528 pp. 8vo.


Boudinot, Elias. Journal ; or, Historical recollec- tions of American events during the Revolu- tionary War,copied from his own original MSS. Trenton, N. J., C. L. Traver. 97 pp. 8vo. $2. [Ed. limited to 290 copies. | Brassey, T. A., ed. Naval annual, rev. & enl. issue for rSgg. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 480 pp. 8vo. $7.50. Britton, Wiley. The civil war on the border: a narrative of military operations in Missouri, Arkansas.&thelndianTy. 1863-65, based upon official reports & the observations of the author. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 546 pp. 8vo. $3.50. Brown, P. H. History of Scotland. V, i. To the accession of Mary Stuart. N. Y., Macinillan Co. 408 pp. i2mo. $1.75. (Camb. Histori- cal ser.) Carpenter, E.J. America in Hawaii : a history of U. S. influence in Hawaiian Islands. L., Low, Marston & Co. i2mo. 5s. Clare, L S. Library of universal history: con- taining a record of the human race from the earliest historical period to the present time . . . with an introd. b)r Moses Coit Tyler. In 8 v. V.I. Ancient oriental nations- N. Y.,R. S. Peale & J. H. Hill. il. maps, por. 8vo. Subs. $40. Colby, C. W. Selections from the sources of Eng- lish history, being a supplement to text-books of English history, 55 B. C— 18 32 A. D. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 325 pp. $1.50. Coup (le) d'etat en Finlande. Lp., W. Friednch.

64 pp. 8vo. M. 0.75. East India Company— Letters received from lis servants in the East. V. 3. 1615. Ed. by Wm. Foster. L., Low, Marston & Co. 21s. Fiske, A. K. Story of the Philippines, a popular account of the islands from their discovery by Magellan to the capture by Dewey. N. Y., F.A.Stokes. 8vo. Si. Ford. '. C, & Roxburgh, T. L. Handbook oi Jamaica. L., Edw. Stanford. 560 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. [Foreman, John. The Philippine Islands: apolit- tical, geographical, ethnographical, social & commercial history of the Philippine archipel- ago. Ed. 2, rev. & enl. & brought down to the present time. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 653 pp. 8vo. $5.] Garreau, L. L'etat social de la France au temps des croisades. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 400 pp. 8vQ. f. 7.50. Gautier, Leon. La France sous Philippe-Auguste.

400 pp. Svo. avec grav. , „ ■

George, H. H. Napoleon's invasion ol Russia.

L., T. F. Unwin. 468 pp. 8vo. 12s. 6d. Gorst, H. E. China. L., Bliss, Sands & Co. 320

pp. Svo. 6s. (Imperial Interests libr.) Great Britain— Parliament. South African Repub- lic: correspondence relating to explosives, monopoly, Aii. ; claim for damages on account of Dr. Jameson's raid, 6JJd.; complaints of British subjects in the Transvaal, 2s. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. Grosvenor, E. A. Contemporary history of the woild. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co. 173 PP. i2mo. $1. ■ , J

Guyot Y. L'evolution politique et sociale de I'Espagne. P.. libr. Fasquelle. 328 pp. iSmo. Hamlin C. E. Life & times of Hannibal Hamlin. Camb.. Mass., Riverside Press. 627 pp. Svo. Subs. $4. Hart A. B. Source book of American history, ed. for schools & readers. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1899. 40S pp. facsim. i2mo. $0.60. Hoffmeister, Karl. Die wirthschaftliche Entwick- lung Roms. . . . Wien, Manz. 96 pp. Svo
