Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/440

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prof. Ardigo sur la sociologie et le matérial- isme historique. P., Giard & Br.ere. 19 pp. 8vo.

Groparii, Alessandro. Saggi di sociologia Milano, Lugi Baltistelh. 173 pp. 8vo. L. 4.

Gumplowicz, Ludwig. Outlines of sociology, tr. by F. W. Moore. Phil., Amer. Acad, of Pol. & Soc Science. 229 pp. 8vo. $1. (Publications of the society, no. 253.)

Harper, J. W. Foundations of society. L.,Ward, Breé & Co. 384pp. 8vo. 6s.

La Grasserie, Raoul de. Des religions conmparées au point de vue sociologique. P., Giard & Briere. 400 pp. 8vo.

Lyall, Sir Alfred Asiatic studies, religious & social. 2d ser. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 394 pp. 8vo. $3.60.

Mackintosh, R. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd. Appeal to biology or evolution for human guidance. L., Macmillan Co. 310 pp. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

Naudet, Abbé. Notre devoir social. Questions pratiques de morale individuelleet sotnale. P., libr. Flammarion. 304 pp. 18mo. f. 3.50.

Nisbet, J. F. The human machine: inquiry into diversity of human faculty in its bearings upon social life, religion, education, politics. L., Grant Richards. 310pp. 8vo. 6s. .

Nothnagel, Walth. Execution durch sociale Inleressengruppen. Wien, A. Holder. 221 pp.

Oppenheimer, F. Soziale Bedeutung der Genossenschaft. B., Verlag d. sozialist. Monatshefte in Komm.

Pontifex, M. Sociale Gedanken e Optimisten. B., R. Wredel. 48 pp. 8vo. M. 1.

Schweidimann, J. Der Pulsschalg der Neuzeit. Eine kulturhistor. social-eth. Charakteristik. Luzern, Raber & Co., 21 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.

Senillosa, Felipe. Evolution de Tame et de la société. P.; libr. Chamuel. 271 pp. 16mo.

Slaviero, Gius. Di alcuni fenomeni sociali in rapporto al fatto economlco. Vicenza, tip. Fabris & Co. 159 po. 16mo.

Steinmetz, R. Der Krieg als sociologisches Problem. Amsterdam, J. Muller. 59 pp. 8vo. M. 1.25.

Tombesi, Ugo. La legge della popolazione nell' economia capitalistica. Venezia. tip. Visentini Federico. 84 pp. 8vo.

Wright C. D. Outline of practical sociology, with special reference 10 American conditions. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 431 pp. 8vo. $2. (American citizenser., no. 1, A. B. Hart.)

19. Statistics.

Austria—K. k. Ackerbau-Ministerium. Statistisches Jahrbuch f. .897. 2, Hft. 2 Lfg, M. 4.

France-Office du travail. Statistique des grèves et des recours à la conciliation et à l'arbarage survenus pendant l'annee 1898. P.. Impr. nationale. 334 pp. 8vo.

Goldstein, J. Die Stastik u. ihre Bedeutung f.das moderene Gesellschaftsleben. München, Piloty & Loehle. M. o. 45.

Great Britain-Board of Agriculture. Returns for Great Britain, showing acreage & produce of crops, prices of corn, number of live stock. . . . L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 8vo. 1s. 5d.

Great Britain-Parliament. Trade of the United Kingdom: annual statement, 1898 compared with four preceding years. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 8s. 1½d.

Italy-Direzione genrale della statistica. Bilanci comunali per l'anno 1897 e situazioni patrimoniali dei comuni al 1o gennaio 1897. Roma, tip. Nazionale di G. Bertero. 143 pp. 8vo. L. 2.50.

Petty Sir W. Economic writings; observations on bills of mortality, probably by Cap<- J- Graunt, ed. by C. H. Hull. L., C.J. Clay. 2 v. 8vo. 25s. , 5,0

Statistiques coloniales pour l'anneé 1896. P., Impr. nationale. 561 pp. 4to. f.5.

Ungarisches stalistisches Jahrbuch. N. F., 1897. Budapest, F. Kilian's Nachf. 430 pp. 8vo. M. 10.

20. Unclassified.

Brown Mary Wilcox. Development of thrift. L., Macmillan & Co. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Crookes.Sir W. Wheat problem : based on remarks made in presidential address to British Assoc. at Bristol in 1898. Revised with answers to critics . . . . L., John Murray. 218 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Davis, M. L. H. Social reformer's Bible. Manuals of selections from Old & New Testaments & Apocrypha. L., Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 224 pp. 12mo. 1S.

Felix Ludwig. Entwicklungsgesch. des Eigen- thums, unter culturgeschichtl. u. wirthshaftsgeschichtl. Gesichtspunkte 4. Tl. 2. Heft. 1. Abtlg. (Das Mittelalter.) Lp.,Duncker & Humblot. 776 pp. 8vo. M. 15.

Fonille Ade. Enquele sur les conditions de l'habitation en France. Les maisons-types T. 2. Avec une étude historique de M. Jacques Flach. P., libr. Leroux. 340 pp. 8vo.

Goyau, Georges. La Franc magonnerie en France. P., Perrin & Cie. 120 pp. 18mo.

Guillemlut, Pierre. La mutuality en France au 19e siècle. Histoire et legislation des sociétés de secours mutuels (these). P., libr. Arthur Rousswau. 196 pp. 8vo.

International year book: a compendium of the world's progress in every department of human knowledge for the year 1898. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 1000 pp. 8vo. $3.

Koren, John. Economic aspects of the liquor problem: an investigation made for the committee of Fifty, under the direction of H. W. Faruam. B., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 327 pp. 12mo. $1.50.

Lacombe, A. De la réforme du régime fiscal des successions (thèse). Toulouse, impr. Passeinan et Alquier. 106 pp. 8vo.

Ladout, Carl. Die Wohnungs-Enquete in der Stadt Bern, 1896. B..Neukomm & Zimmem in Komm. 711 PP. 8vo. M. 12.

McCabe Joseph, & Darien, Georges. Can we disarm? Chic, H. S. Stone & Co. 151. pp. 12mo. $1.125.

Metcalfe, J. Case for universal old age pensions. Introd. by Chas. Booth. L., Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 532 pp. 8vo. 2s. 6d

Pilling, W. Old age pensions: scheme for the establishment of a govt, superannuation fund. L., Chapman & Hall. 58 pp. 8vo. 1s.

Poterin du Motel, H. Théorie des assurances sur la vie P , libr. Warmer et Dulac. 3.70 pp. 8vo.

Pratt, E. A. Pioneer women in Victorias reign. short histories of great movements. L., Geo. Newnws. 206 pp. 8vo.

Rowntree, Joseph & Arthur Shewell Temperance problem and social reform. Ed. 4. N. Y., T. Whittaker. 626 pp. 12mo. $2.

Sites, C. M. L. Centralized administration of liquor laws in the American commonwealths. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 162 pp. 8vo. $1, (Columbia Univ. studies in hist., economics, & public law. V. 10, no. 3.)

Stead, W. T. The United State of Europe on the eve of the parliament of peace. N. Y., Doubleday &McClure Co. 468 pp. 8vo. $2 [Among rest treats of South African problems.]