Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/441

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Stein, Ludwig. Philosophic des Friedens. B., Gebr. Poetel. 46 pp. 8vo. M. 0.60.

Steinbach, Emil. Zur Friedensbewcgung. Wien, Manz. 80 pp. 8vo. M. 1.20.

Strutt, Joseph. Spons & pastimes of the people of England ; including the rural & domestic re-

creations, May games, mummeries .... cd. by W, Home. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 530 pp. i2mo. $1.25. Thiebault, Marcel. Principe de propriete indivi* duelle devant I'assemblee constituante (these). Lille, impr. Morel. 160 pp. 8vo.


[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a reference to a number of the Journal will be found in abstract under the head " Notes and Abstracts'* in that number of the Journal. Anicles dealing with BiogTa/<ky, Associations, Cities, and Towns will be found grouped under those heads. List in this number is confined mostly to articles not included in the lists of the Cumulative Index to Periodicals, Review of Reviews, and American Journal of Theology. J

Accidents, Labor: see Labor & each no. of BDL.,

BOT.,LG.,RT. Administration: j^^ Austria, France. Agriculture: Stone, N. I. Comparative study of the statistics of agriculture of the loth & nth census. Zimmermann, F. W. R. Landwirthschaft im Deutschen Reich, Annalen des Deutschen Reichs, 32: 7. See Cliff-dwellers. Animals: Letouraeau. Ch. Evolution mentale

chez les animaux, REA., My. Anthropology: Henning. Onondago-Indiancr des Staats New York u. die Sage v, der Griindg. d. Confederation der fiinf Nationen durch Hiawatha, Globus. S. 13. See Craniometry, Ethnolog}', Pueblos. Arbitration, Industrial; see each no. of BDL,,

BOT., LG., RT. Arbitration, International: Desjardins, Ar- thur. Conference de La Haye et I'arbitrage international, RDM., S. 1. Archsology: Lewis, A. L. British stone cir- cles. AA., Jl. Army: jf^ Militarism.

Associations: Cetty, C. Association en Alle- magne, AC, Jl. Congres de I'Etoile blanche, RCS., S. Gounelle, E. Rapport sur I'oeuvre de TEtoile

blanche. RCS., S. Grasserie, R. de, De la dissociation et de la concentration des partis politiques, RPP., Ag. Hubert-Valleroux. P, Des prejuges centre la liberte d'association apropos d'un recent con- gres, RefS.. S. I. Austria: Rachfahl, F. Oesterreichische Ver-

wahungsgeschichte, JGV,, 23:3. Banks: see Finance,

Belgium: Partis politiques en Belgique, RIS., Jl. Bible; Cams, P. The Bible. Monist, O. Cornill, C. H„ & Green, W. H. The Poly- chrome Bible. Monist, O, Biography: Benoist, Charles. Le Prince de Bis- marck, RDM., Jl. i-Jl. 15. Boas, Franz. Daniel Garrison Brinton, Globus,

S. 16. Murray, J. C. Rousseau, PhR., Jl. Peet,S. D. D. G. Brinton, American Antiqua- rian. Smith, W. G. Roger Brooke Taney, ALR., Ap. Wolf, Julius: Socialpolit. Vermachtnis Bis- marcks. ZS.,J1. Capital: Bohm-Bawerk, E. Einige streitige Fragen der Capitalsiheorie, ZVS., 8:2, 4. Kerby, W. J. Capitalist & his point of view,

ACQ..J1. Savatier. Henri. Essai sur les formes nouvelles de I'usurie, AC, S. Charities; Laschi, R. Di un ulficio centrale

della beneficenza, RBP., Ag. MiJnsterberg, Emil. Bericht iiber die 18, Jahres- versammlung des Deutschen Vcreins fijr Armenpflege u. Wohlthatigkeit, JGV., 23:3.

Raseri, E, Assislenzaal fanciulli poveri, orfant o moralmente abandonaii o maltrattati, GEc,

Stelio de Kiriaki, Alberto. Beneficienza educa-

tiva a Venezia nel passato e nei nostri tempi,

RBP., Mr. Yule, G. U. Investigation into the causes of

changes in pauperism in England, Jour. Roy,

Statist. Soc, Je. See each no. of ChR. & ChOR., RBP., RP. Children : Assistenza all' infanzia illegitiima

nella provincia di Rivigo. RBP., My.-Je. Donati, Paolo. Ospizio degli infaoti abando-

nati di Vicenza, RBP., My. Prinzing, F. Entwickelung der Kindersterb-

lichkeit in den europaischen Staaten, JNS.,

My. See each no. of RP. Christian Science: Goddard, H. H. Effects

of mind on body as evidenced by faith cures.

AJP., Ap. Christianity: .c^^ Churches, Communism. Churches: Coubertin. P. de. Religiose Fragc

in den Vereinigten Staaten u. in Europa,DR.,

Galabert, E. Pouvoir spirituel, RIS., My. Laidlaw, W. A. Federation in church work,

" ITiird sociological canvas," Open Church, S. Leo XIII. Enc>'clical on " Americanism,"

ACQ.. An. Smith, T. O. Ethics of religious conformity,

IJE., O. Williams. M.C Crisis in the Church of Eng- land, PRR., Jl. Cities: Bushee. F. A. Growth of the population

of Boston, ASA., Je. Donald, R. Municipal trading & profits,

EcJ,, S. Hirst, F. W. Municipal finance, EcJ,, S. Sodoftsky, G. Zur Finanzstatistik der Stadte

Russlands, ZGS., 55; 3. Vandervelde, Emile. Influence des villes sur

ies campagnes: la propriete fonciere . . . ,

AIS., 5:3-5. Classification : Cogswell, G. A. Classification

of the sciences, PhR. Milhaud, G. Essai sur la classification. RM.M.,

My. Cliff- Dwellers: Peet, S. D. Agriculture among

the cliff-dwellers. AA., Jl. Colonies : Massieu, Isabelle. Une colonic

anglaise: Birmanie et etats shans, RDM.,

S. 15. Piolet, R. P. J.-B. De la bourgeoisie et de

Pimmigration aux colonies, RefS.. My. 16, Sablemont, M. de. Expansion coloniale et la

reforme sociale, RefS., S. i. Commerce: Commerce exterieur (Allemagne,

Angleierre. Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Nor-

vbge), BSt. See each no. of BSt, Communism: Adler.G. Urchristenium u. Kom*

munismus, ZS., Ap.