Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/588

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[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a reference to a number of the Journal will be found in abstract under the head " Notes and Abstracts'* in that number of the Journal. Articles dealing with Biography, Associations, Cities, and Towns will be found grouped under those heads.

Accidents, Labor: scf Labor & each no. of BDL.,

BOX., LG.,RT. Administration: see France.

Africa: Austin, O. P. Africa — present & future, F.,D. Green, E. M. Native interest in South Africa, NC. N. Anglo-Saxon: Wells, J. A. Anglo-Saxon ethics,

A., P. Animals : Hutchinson, W. Animal chivalry,

CoR., D. Anthropology: Lupo, M. del. Contribute agli st'udi di antropologia dell* America, AAE., 20: 1. See Cliff-Dwellers, Ethnology, & each no. of AA., Amer. Antiquarian. Arbitration, Industrial: see each no. of BDL.,

BOT., LG., RT. Arbitration, International: Martens,^ & Ix>w, S. International arbitration; a Russian view & an American view, NAR., N. Whates, H. Venezuelan award, FR., N. Architecture: Moore, J. Lost principle of

beauty in architecture, FR., D. Art: Avenarius, F. German art to-day, F., Ja. Aryan Question : Vacher de Lapouge, G. Old & new aspects of the Aryan question, AJS., N. Australia : Beach, W. G. Australian constitu- tion, PSQ., D. Becke, L., & W. Jeffery. Sea story of Australia,

FR.,0. Lusk, H. H. Commonwealth of Australia, F.,

D. Parsons, H. G. Australian federation — from the inside, FR., O. Austria: Lutzow, F. Austria at the end of the

centuiy. NC, D. Banking: see Finance.

Biography : Eli Whitney. Cassier's magazine, D. Stead. W. T. Cecil J. Rhodes, RRN., N. Winslow, W. H. John Ruskin, New England Mag., N. Boycotting: Thompson, S. D. Injunction against

boycotting, ALRv., D. Boys: Riis, J. A. Justice for the boy, Atlantic,

N. Canada: Festy, O. Developpement politique au Canada, ASP. N. Munson, L. E. United States & Canada, A., D. Canals: Keasbey, L. M. Need of inter-oceanic communication, PSQ., D. See Railroads. Capital : Conant, C. A. Can new openings be

found for capital? Atlantic, N. Centralization : Model, Andre. Centralisation

et decentralisation, RIS., O. Charities: Barnett, Canon. Charity vs. outdoor relief, NC, N. Johnson, A. Concerning certain wise limits to

charity organization, AJS., N. See Property & each no. of ChR.,ChOR., RBP., RP. Children: Folks, H. Careof destitute, neglected & delinquent children, ChR.. N.-D. See Criminology & Penology, & each no. of RP. China: Denby, C F. Chinese railroad & min- ing concessions, F., N. Edkins, J. Effect of opium smoking, China Re- view, S Young, J. P. Will Chinese development -benefit the western world? F., N. Christian Science ; Williams, Henrietta H. Founder of Christian science (Mrs. Eddy), New England Mag., N.

Churches: Balfour, A. J. How ritualists harm the church, NAR., N.

Cobb, Rev, Dr. Church crisis & disestablish- ment, NC,0.

Little, K. Lambeth opinion & its consequences, CoR., N.

MacColl, M. The Lambeth decision, FR., O.

Merwin, Marie S. Reforme sociale et I'Eglise americaine, AC, O.

Portsmouth, Earl of. Rebellion against the roy- al supremacy, NAR., N.

Russell, G. W. E. Lambeth & liberation, NC, O.

Sabatier, A. Christian dogma & the Christian lif.,CoR.. N.

Starr. F. Holy week in Mexico, Journal Amer. Folklore, S.

Taylor, Graham. Social function of the church, AJS., N.

Tolstoy, L. Church & state. A., N.

True meaning of the crisis in the church, FR., O,

Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. The new reformation, NC, O. Cities : Baxter, S. Boston at the century's end. Harper's, N.

Besant, W. One of two millions in East Lon- don, Century, D.

Bolton, C E. Model suburban village, RRN., N.

Bond, W. Municipal trading. FR., O.

Hyslop, J. H. Responsibility in municipal gov- ernment, F.. D.

Martin, J. W. Tren<j in American cities, CoR., D.

Peattic, E. W. Artistic side of Chicago, At- lantic, D.

Riis, J. A. Reform by humane touch, Atlantic, D.

West, A. Great unpaid (London County Coun- cil). NC,0.

Wilcox. W. F. Party government in cities, PSQ.

Wright, C D. Statistics of cities, RDL., S.

See Garbage, Gas, & each no. of Municipal Government.' Christianity: jc^ Churches.

Civil Service: Atkinson, H. Civil service by special training, F., N.

Johnson, J. F. Is civil-service reform in peril? NAR.. N. ClifT-Dwellers: Peet, S. D. Cliff- Dwellers &

the wild tribes, AA., D. Coal: Georg, J. E. Verhaltnisse des Kohlenberg- baues in den Vereinigten Staaten, mit beson- derer Bezugnahme auf die Lage der Bergar- beiter seit dem Jahre 1885, JNS., O. Collectivism: Halkin, L. Conception antique de I'etat el le collectivisme moderne, RSC, O. Colonies: Austin, G. P. Does colonization pay. ^ F.,Ja.

Clifford, H. Lesson from the Malay states, At- lantic, N.

Schurmann, J. G. Problem of territorial ex- pansion, RRN.,N. Commerce: Diezmann, M. Aussenhandel der Vereinigten Staaten im Rechnungsjahre 1898, JNS..O.

Expansion of the foreign trade of the U. S. BMN.. N.

See each no. of BSt. Commercialism : Fry, E. Commercial corrup- tion, CoR., N Consumption (Disease) : Cobb. J. O. Aridf regions of the U. S. for consumptives, S,, D.