Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/589

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Gibson, J. A. Cry of the consumptives, NC, O. KDOpf, S. A. California quarantine against con* sumptives. F., Ja. Constitution: Landreth, L. S. Hundred & ten

years of the constitution, ALR., O.-N. Consumers' Lea^fue: Kelley, Florence. Aims & principles ot the consumers' league, AJS.,

Corporations: Keasbey, E. S. New Jersey &

the great corporations, HLR., N.-D. Credit: see Finance. Criminology & Penology : A ureli no-Leal & C.

Perrier. Religion chez les condamnes "a Bahia,

AAC.N. Barrows, S. J. New crimes & penalties. F., Ja. Groszmann, P. E. Criminality in children. A.,

N. Kellogg, C. P, National prison association

congress, ChR., N. Richard, G. Responsabilit^ et les equivalents

de la peine, RPh., N. Sighele, S., & A. Nicefora. Mala vita dans les

grandes villes, AAC. Vanlaer, Maurice. L'individuet la peine, RefS.,

O. i6. See Suicide & each no. of ArchJv fiir Kriminal-

Anthropologie, BG., RPe., Rivistadi discipline

carcerarie. Cuba : Pepper, C. M. Cuba in suspension, Har- per's, N. Danish West Indies : Moriizen, Julius. What

about the Danish West Indies? GM., D. Democracy : Porritt, E. England &democrac\*,

PSQ., D. Densmore, Helen. Twentieth century democ- racy, A., N. Vrooman. C. Twentieth-century democracy,

A.,N. See Education. Direct Legislation: Commons, J. R. Direct

legislation in Switzerland & America, A., D. Education: Bradford, E. H., & J, S. Stone.

School seats, S., D. Butler, U. M. Religious instruction in educa- tion, EdR., D. Delvaille, J. Les universites populaires en

France, Revue des revues, N. 15. Ed\vards, W. F. Changes in the course of study,

GM.,D. Eliot, C. W. Commercial education, EdR., D. Ferri, E. Oeuvre intemationale d'ele\ation

humaine (Universite de Louvain), Revue des

levues, O. 15. Foamier, M. La Fondation universitaire de

Belleville et la Societe des universites popu- laires, RPP„ N. Greenwood, J, M. Superintendent & the board

of education, EdR., N. Hall, G. S. Some defects of the kindergarten in

America, F., Ja. Harris, G. Democracy & education, GM., N. James, E. J. Constitutionality of a national

university, EdR., D. Jones, R. E. Relations of school & college,

EdR., D. May, D. Universite de la rue Danton, Revues

des revues, N. i. Salmon, D. Impressions of American education.

I., EdR., D. Schularzt-Frage, NZ., N. Shaw, Albert. School cit>* — a method of pupil

self-government, RRN., D. Thwing, C. F. Educational problems of the

tuentieih centurj", F., N. Torau-Bayle, X. La reforme de renseignement,

RPP.,0. West, A. F. Is there a democracy of studies?

Atlantic, D. See Manual Training & each no. of EdR., Edu- cation, School Review.;^

Electricity : Bell, Louis. Electric power dis- tribution & the small consumer, EM., N. Lightpipe, J. A. An 83-miIe electric power transmission plant, Cassier's magazine, N. Employment Bureaus: see Labor & each no. of

BDL., BOT., LG., RT. Ethics: Payot. Education du caractere, RPh..

D. Ethnology : Fouillee, Alfred. Races latines, RDM., D. I. Giglioli, E. Etnolo^ia all' Esposizione di To- rino nel i8q8, AAL. Evolution : Romanes, G. J. Isolation inorganic

evolution, Monist, O. Factory Inspection ; see each no. of BDL., BOT.,

LG., RT. Family: CalHneau, Dr. Infanticide et I'avorte- ment en Chine, REA., N. Steinmetz. S. R. Neuereo Forschungen zur Geschichte der menschlichen Familie, ZS., O.-N. See Sex. Far East : Barrett, J. America in the Pacific & (he Far East, Harper's, N. Louis, P. Extreme Orient, ReS., O. Fatigue : Germann, G. B. Invalidity of the aesthesiometric method as a measure of mental fatigue, FsR.,N. Leuba, H. Validity of the Griesbach method of determining fatigue, PsR., N. Finance : Conant, C. H. Evolution of modern banking, PSQ., D. Corawell, W. C. Congress & monetary relief,

GM.,D. Francois, G. Banques aux Etats-Unis, JEc, N. Frangois, G. People's banks in Italy, JPE,, S, Gide, C. Pouvoir de Targent, RCS. Raffalovich, Arthur. Monument de Schulze-

Delitsch, JEc. Sayous, A. E. Origine des *' Cash-credits " des

banques ecossaises. JEc, N. Warner, A. J. Currency reform. A., D. Sff each no. of BML., BMN., BSt., JCB., Finanz-Archiv. Finland : Eucken, R. Finnish question, F., N. Flying : Fisher, AV. E. G. Art of flying, FR., N. Folk -Lore: see each no. of Folk -Lore & Journal of

Amer. Folklore. France : Adams, E, D., & others. French re- public, A., D. Alix, G. Origines du systeme administratif

fran^ais, ASP,, N. Coubertin. Pierre de. France since 1814, FR.,N. Feroeuil, l"h. Crise de Fetat republicain, RPP.,

N. Funck-Brentano, F. Causes et consequences de Taffaiblissement des classes moyennes en France. RefS., O. 16. Lazare, B. France at the parting of the way.i,

NAR..N. Robinson, J. H. French declaration of rights,

PSQ., D. Schoenhof. J. What the world owes to France.

F.,N. See Education. Garbage: Morse, W. F. Next step in the work

of refuse & garbage disposal, S., D. Gas: Potts, A. F. Successful substitute for muni- cipal ownership, RRN,, N. Government : Bradford, G. Permanence of govt., HLR.,D. Cunningham, W. Good government of an em- pire, Atlantic, N. Great Britain : Green, Mrs. John Richard. English & Dutch in the past, NC, D. Low, S. Darkest hour for England, FR., D. See Arbitration, Democracy, Government, Transvaal. Hawaii : Maxwell, W. Hawaiian Islands (de- scription), S., D.