Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/590

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Health: Bell, A. N. Oceanic health resorts,

S., N. Heredity: Allin, Arthur. Social recapitulation.

EdR.. N. Hypnotism : MacDonald, A. Alcoholic hyp- notism, AJS., N. Imitation ; Le Dantec, F. Mecanisme de I'lmi-

tation, RPh., O. Infanticide: see Family.

Insurance: Drage, G. Problem of the aped

poor, FR., O.

Hamon, G. Assurajices sociales en Europe,

Jour. d. la Societc de statistique de Paris, S.-O.

Homans, S. Latest phases of life insurance,

GM., N. See each no. of BDL., BOT., LG., RT. Jesuits: Origine musulmane desjesuites, Revue

des revues, N., 15. Labor: Adler, G. ArbeJtsnachweis in friiherer Zeit, ZS., O. Batson, Mrs. Stephen. & P. Wyndham. Town

& county laborers, NC, O. Burke, W. M. History & functions of central labor unions, Columbia Univ. Studies in hist., etc., V. 12, no. i. Clement, H. Associations ouvrieres et associa- tions patronales, RefS., N. i. Hubert-Valleroux. Situation actuelle en nature

d'accidents du travail, RefS.. O. 16. Lowenfeld, T. Koalitionsrechl u. Strafrecht,

ASG., 14 : 6. Mann, T. Attitude of the workers in Europe &

America, F., N. Smith, E. J. Living profit St a living wage, F.,


Vestergaard, N. Arbeitervereine in der Um- gegend Kopenhagens, ASG., 14:6. Willoughby, W. F. Foreign labor laws, BDL.,

N. See each no. of BDL., HOT., LG., RT. Latin-America: Araujo, O. d'. Federation dans ics republiques latino-americaines, RIS.,

Legislation: see each no. of BDL., BOT., BSt.. EcR., LG., RT.

Liquor Question: MacDonald, A. Alcoholic hypnotism, AJS., N.

Literature : Ladd, G. T. Philosophical basis of literature, PhR., N. Miiller, F. M. Literature before letters, NC., N.

Louisiana : Eaton, A. M. Suffrage clause in the new constitution of Louisiana, HLR., D.

Machinery: Araos. E. C. American machine tools & methods, Cassier's magazine, D.

Mail : Tunell, G. G. Transportation of mail, JPE.,S.

Man : Klaatsch, H. Stellung des Menschen in der Reihe der Saugetiere, speciell der Primaten, u. der Modus seiner Heranbildung aus einer niederen Form, Globus, D, 2. Papillault, G. Quelques lois touchant la crois- sance et la beaute du visage humain. Bulletin de la Societe d'anthropologic de Paris, 10: 3.

Manual Training: Barrows, J. H. Toledo manual-training school, RRN., N. Noble, A. Need of technical education, Cas- sier's magazine, D.

Manufacturing: Browne, B. C. Advantages of specializing in manufacture & sale of prod- uct, EM.,N. Browne, B. C. Labor's interest in the progress

of industrial reorganization, EM., D. Little, A. J, S. B. Labor-saving in great con- structive & manufacturing undertakings, EM.

Militarism : Boudenot, Louis. L'armee en 1S99, RPP., N.

Millionaires: Norvins, L. de. Dans le mondc des milliardaires, Revue des revues, D. 1.

Money: see Finance,

Mormonism : Pierce, P. B. Origin of the Book

of Mormon, AA. Mortality : Prinzing, F. Gestaltung der Sterb-

Itchkeit im 19. Jahrhundert, ZS.,0. Municipal : see Cities. Negro : Tobias. D. E. Negro on the position of

the negro in America, NC., D. Washington, B. T. Case of the negro, Atlantic

N. New Zealand; Lloyd, H. D. New Zealand

newest England, Atlantic, D. Newspapers: Reid, W. Newspapers, NC.

N.-D. *- f . ,

Yarros, V. S. Press & public opinion, AJS., N. Observation: Burroughs, John. Art of seeing

things, Century, D. Old- Age Pensions: see Insurance. Peace Movement; Holland, T. E. Some les- sens of the peace conference, FR., D. Holls, F. J. Results of the peace conference in their relation to the Monroe doctrine, RRN., N. \^y

Penology: see Criminology.

Philippines: MacQueen, P. When will the war cease? A., D. Marble, J. H., F. S. Baldwin, & R. Reyes.

United States & its Philippines, A., N. Pavey. F. D. "Open-door" policy in the

Philippines, NAR., N. See Far East. Philosophy: Milhaud, G. Math^matique ei philosophie, RPh., N. Morgan, C. L. Realities of experience, Monist,

Thulie, H. Origine du mysticisme. Revue

d'Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris, O, Tonnies, F. Philosophical terminology, Mind,

See Sociology. Political Economy : Weber, A. F. American economists of today. New England Mag., N. ^'ff Capital, Production. Political Science: see Collectivism, Government,

Sociology. Politics, International: see each no. of PSO..

RPP.. RDM. Porto Rico: Carroll, H. K. How shall Puerto Rico be governed ? F., N. Carroll, H. K. What has been done for Porto

Rico under military rule? RRN., D. Curtis, H. G. Status of Puerto Rico, F., D. Production : Berardi, D. Utilita limite e costo di produzione, GEc, O.-N. Berardi, D. Utilita limite e costo di riproduzione.

GEc.,N. Montemartini, G. Ueber die Theorie der Grenz- productivitat, ZVS., 8: 5. Property: Ponthiere, C. de. Charity, justice,

propri^te, AC, O. Psychology : Moore, V. F. Psychology of Hobbes & its sources, AJP., O. Spirier, G. Routine process, Mind, O. See Fatigue. Railroads: Hamm, W. C, Great engineering projects, Cosmopolitan, D. McLean, S. J. Canadian railways & the bond*

ing question, JPE., S. Tschuproff, A. Eisenbahnen in Russland,

JNS.,0. See China, Trusts, & each no. of Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, Railroad Gazette, Railway & Engineering Review, Railway Review. Referendum; jf.? Direct Legislation. Reformatories; Johnson, Mrs. E. C Methods at the Sherbom Reformatory Prison for Women, ChR., D. Nibecker, F. H. Some concrete reformatory problems, ChR., D. Religion: Coe, G. A. Study in the dynamics of personal religion, PsR., S.