Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/733

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Hopkins, W. England & the higher morality,

F.,Ja. Johnson, R. 6. England in 1899 Low, S. Military weakness of England & the

militia ballot, NC. Ja. Mommsen, T. German feeling towards England

and America, NAR.. F. Stead, W, T. Perilous position of England,

RRN., F. Set Canada, Colonies, Food, Transvaal. Greece: Grundeigentum, Flachensteuer, Korin- thennaturalsteuer u. Korinthenbank in Gric- chenland, ZGS., 56; i. Happiness: Sheldon, ^V. L. Why prosperity does not always bring happiness, Ethical ad- dresses, N. Hawaii : Bolen, G. L. Hawaii & Porto Rico as

colonies, GM. Higher Criticism: Davidson, W. T. Progress of biblical criticism, London quarterly review, Ja. Green. W. H. The Bible, Monist, Ja. Margoliouth, D. S. Lines of defence of the bib- lical revelation, Expositor, Ja.-F. History: Brigham.J. State historical collections in the Old Northwest, F., Ja. Rhodes, J. F. History, Atlantic, F. See Sociology. Housing: Hayter, R. Housing impressions, ChOR., Ja. Ilbert. L. Labourers' dwellings, EcJ., D. Nieden, W. zur. Gebaudesteuer u. Wohnungs

frage in Preussen, JGV,, 24: i.

Willoughby, W. F. Modern movement for th<

housing of the working classes in France

YR., N.

Zimmem, Alice, Ladies' dwellings, CoR., Ja.

Hypnotism: Quackenbos, T. D. Valueof hyp

notic suggestion. Harper s magazine, F. Industry: Lunge, G. Ueber bevorstehende Aen derungen in der allgemeinen Entwicklung der Industrie, ZS., Ja. Insurance : Stevens, A. C. Fraternal insu

ranee, RRN., Ja, International Law : Barclay, T. Proposed im munity of private property at sea from capture by enemy, LQR,, Ja. Hirschfeld, J. German code & private interna tional law, LQR., Ja. Iron & Steel: Kinde, F. H. Manufacture of structural steel in the U. S., Cassier's maga zine, F. Taussig, F. W. Iron industry in the U. S. I Survey of growth, QJE., F. Italy; Bayard de Volo, G. Pro Italia, RISS. Ja. Lacombe, B. de. Notre politique nationale ei

royale en Italte, RHD., 13 \^. Luzzatti, L. Finances italiennes et le compte

rendu general de Pexercise 1898-99. Patemostro, F. Les deux Italics, Revue des revues, D. 15. Japan: j^tf Pauperism.

Labor: Bernstein, E. Theorie des Arbeitswerths, NZ., D. Brants, V. Ou en est la legislation intemationale,

RSC. Ja. Chapman, S. J. Ends of industrial organism,

UE.,Ja. Uowd, J., & Gunton, G. Southern labor prob- lem, GM.,F. Fcssenden, S. D. Protection of workingmen in

their employment, BDL., Ja. Invrea. F. II commune e la tutela dei lavoratori,

RISS., D. Maurenbrecher, M. Recent campaign against

labor organizations in Germany, AJS., Ja. Norris, H. M. Actual experience wi»h the pre- mium system, EM., Ja., F.

Rouanet, G. Deputes socialistes et la protection

du travail, ReS., Ja. Silbermann, Dr. Zur Entlohnung der Frauen-

arbeit, JGV.. 24: i. Smith, E. J. Living profit & a living wage, F.,

Ja- Taylor, B. Labour clauses in public contracts,

Cassier's magazine, F. Wood. G. H. Statistics of working-class progress

since i860. JRS., D. See Agriculture, Arbitration^Wagcs. Lace-Making ; Dietrich, Dr. Gegenwartige wirthschaftllche Lage der Spitzenindustrie in Frankrelch, JGV.. 24 : i. Land : Vatenti, G. Terra libera e la ger.erazione

del profitto, GEc, D. Lav/ : Dicey, A. V. Teaching of English law at

Harvard, HLR.,Ja. Legislation: Porritt, E. British municipal &

educational legislation in 1899, VR., N. Libraries: Putnam, Herbert. The library of con- gress, Atlantic, F, Liquor Question : Cummlngs, £. Penal aspects of drunkenness, ChR., Ja. Lepplngton, C. H. d'E. Latest lights on the temperance question, ChOR., D. Lynching: Pemberton, Caroline H. Barbarism of civilization, A., Ja. Wells-Bamett, I. B. Lynch law in America, A., Ja. Marriage: Williams, T. Hist. & ethical basis

of monogamy, IJE.,Ja. Mississippi Valley : Hart, A. B. Future of the

Mississippi valley, F., F. Moral: see Ethics.

Mormons: Curtis, T. B. Roberts: the Dreyfus of America, A., F. Hartt, R. L. The Mormons, A., F. Scanlan, J. M. Mormon power in America,

GM.. F. Schroeder, A. T. Mormon breach of faith. A., F. Negro : Blackford, C. M. Negro education. A., Ja. De Llsser, H. G. Negro as a factor in the future

of the "West Indies, New century review, Ja. Phillips^ H. L. Philadelphia negro, ChR., F. Price, T. F. Race war & negro demoralization, ACQ., Ja. Newspapers; Reid, Sir W. The newspapers,

NC.> Ja. Nineteenth Century: Heyck, E. Summe des ig. Jahrhunderts in offentlich-geistiger Bezleh- ung, DR., D. Oaths : Grasserie, R. de la. Phenomenes sociaux

de suwivance: du serment, RIS., D. Old Age: Chance. W. Decrease of old age

pauperism, ChOR. Old-Age Pensions: Loch, C. S. Old-age pen- sions, EcJ., D. Wolff, H. W. Old-age pensions in Germany, ChOR., D. Peace Movement: Avril. Baron de. Confe- rence de La Have, RHD., 13: 4. Eichthal, E. d'. La paix Internationale, RPP.,

Persia : Larini, E. Persia economlca contempo-

ranea e la sua questione monetaria, RISS., N. Philippines : Anderson. T. M. Our rule in the

Philippines, NAR., F. Atkinson, E. Eastern commerce: what it is

worth? NAR., F. Davis, Mrs. Jefferson. Why we do not want

the Philippines, A., Ja. Guffin, J. C. Evolution vs. imperialism. A., F. Mabinl, A, Filipino appeal to the American

people, NAR., Ja. Palmer, F. White man & brown man in the

Philippines, Scribner's magazine, Ja. Schurman, J. G. Our duty in the Philippines,

GM., Ja.