Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/734

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Philosophy: Le Roy, E. Science et philosophic, RMM., Ja. Sully, J. Philosophy & modern culture, FR.,

Ja- Political Economy ; Veblen, T. B. Precon- ceptions 01 economic science, QJE., F. Ste Cost, Distribution, Production, Rent. Political Science: Brooks, S. Congress &

Parliament : a contrast, NAR., Ja. Eaton, A. M. Right to local self-government,

HLR., F. Young, J. T. Liberty vs. efficiency, YR., N. See Representation. _ , . , „

Population: Cummings, J. Ethnic factors S

the movement of population, QJE., F. Hollmann, P. Sociale Zusammensetzung der

Bcvolkerung im Deutschen Reiche nach der

Berufsziihlung vom 14. Juni 1895, JGV., 24: i. Postal : Guillow, L. E. Needed postal reform,

A. la. Production : Berardi, D. UtilitJi limite e coslo

di riproduzione, GEc, D. Profit : ice Land. , , • f i

Profit-Sharing: Successful profit-sharing, tcj.,

D. . J .

Progress: Guyot, Y. Cnterium du progres,

JEc, D. Property: see Family. „ _ , ,

Psychology: Cantoni, C. Sul concetto c sul

caratterc della psicologia, Rivista filosofica, O. Mijnsterberg, H. Psychological atomism, PsR.,

Ja. Peace Movement : see Arbitration. Railroads: Dreiser, T. Railroad & the people :

a new educational policy now operating in the

West, Harper's magazine, F. _ _

Religion : Brunschvicg, L. Vie religieuse,

RMM., Ja. .

Howenh, L W. Brinton's theory of the origin of

religion, Monist, Ja. Le Conte, J. Note on the religious significance

of science, Monist, Ja. . ^ ^ ,

Tracey, J. V. Making of religion, ACQ., Ja.

Rent: Everett, J. D. Geometrical illustrations

of the theory of rent, J RS., D. , _

Representation : Alviella, Comte G. d . Ke-

ptesentation proportionelle et le regime parlc-

mentaire, RDM., Ja. „ _ . . „ ,

Russia Colquihoun, A. R. Russia in Central

Asia. Pt. \. Harper's magazine, F. Colquihoun, A. R. Siberia. 2. The occupation,

Harper's magazine, Ja. Samoa : Lefebure, P. Partage des Samoa et la

politique dans le Pacifique-Sud, ASP., Ja. Leigh, J. G. Gains & losses in the Pacific,

Sanitary Science : Allen, W. W. Rise of the

national board of health, AAF.. Ja. Hegar, Dr. Beste 'Vorbeugung gegen Krank-

heiten u. Gebrechen, DR., Ja. Savings Banks : Problem of our national savings

banks, EcJ , D. „ , , - .

Science: Williams, H. S. To-day s science in

Europe. L The marine biological laboratory.

Harper's magazine, F. Socialism: Kautsky, K. Riponse a Bernstein,

Billows' F. H. Socialism in West Ham, EcR.,

Pareto, V. Correspondence: les progres du

socialismed'etat, JEc, p. _ „ _,

Rouanet, G. Congres socialiste, Rei5., U. Toniolo, G. Cenni sulle dottrine socialistiche

nella storia, RISS., D. ,. ,, = ^ t,

Winston, A. P. Socialism in the U. S., CoK.,

Ja. 5fc each no. of NZ. „ r^ r-, •

Socialism, Christian; Hcrron, G. D. Decou-

verte du Christ. RCS., Ja.

Sociology : Azambuja, G. d'. Pourquoi I'on

fait dcs visites, SS., Ja. Bertrand. A. Enseignement scientifique de la

moralf , RPh., Ja. Chapman. S. J. End of industrial organism,

lJE..Ja. Escord, P. Methode de Le Play, jugee par un

economiste anglais, RefS., F. Eulenburg, F. Ucber die Mdglichk. u. die Au(-

gaben einer Socialp-'^ychologie, JGV., 24. Fages, C. Evolution de I'accord pour la vie,

ReS., D. Letourneau, C., & others. Enquete sur I'intro-

duction de la sociologie dans 1' enseignement

secondaire, RIS., D. Levey- Bruhl, L. Philosophic de I'histoire

d'Auguste Comte, ASP., Ja. Overbergh, C. van. Idees sociales d'un Jesuite

flamand, RSC, D. Ross, E. A. Social control, 15, AJS., Ja. Rossignoli, G. La sociologia, RISS., Ja. Small, A. W. Scope of sociology, AjS., Ja. Tarda, G. Plan d'une enquete sociologique

individuelle. RIS., D. Worms, E. Tellurisme social, RIS., D. See Australia, Labor, Progress. Sovereignty : Commons, J. R. Sociological

view of sovereignty, AJS., Ja. Spain: Demolins, E. Mouvement autonomiste,

SS., D. Street Railways: Robinson, J. C. British

tramway development, Cassier's magazine, F. Syndicates: ^^-^ Cooperation. Tariff: Hopkins, A.J. The tariff a live issue,

F., Ja. Taxation: Pabst, F. Zur Beseitigung der kom-

munalen Griind- u. Gebaudesteuer, ZGS.,

56:1. Telegraphy: Delany, P. B. Development 01

wireless telegraphy, EM., F. Telephones: Miller, K. B. Merits of independ- ent & industrial telephone systems, EM., Ja. Totemism : Jevons, F. B. Totemism & religion,

Folklore, D. Towns: Moustier, J. Villes de marches sur les

hauts plateaux asiatiques, SS., D. Transvaal: Guene de Transvaal et

ses problemes, Revue des revues, F. Cleveland, F. A. South African conflict, its

legal & political aspecf;, AAP., Ja, Cust, H. Justification of England's course,

NAR.,F. Hammond, J. H. South African problem,

EM., J a. Hillier, Dr. Issues at stake in South Africa,

FR..Ja. . .

Hobson, J. A. Capitalism & imperialism in

South Africa, CoR.,Ja. Kuyper, A. Crise sud-africaine, RDM., \. 1. Lacy, G. Some Boer characteristics, NAR., Ja. Leclercq, J. Boers el leur etat social, RefS.,

Ja. I. Leyds, W. J. Origin, duration & outcome of

the war, NAR., Ja. Nordau, M. Vdlkersympathien, DR., D. Owen, J. F., & Howard, O. O. Military &

strategical situation, NAR., F. Rattigan, W. H. Die Zukunft Transvaals,

DR., D. ^ . ^

Voigt,j. C. Why the Dutch are in the right,

\Vhitt,M.' Blunders of the British, NAR., F. Trusts:"^ Clark, J. B. Disarming the trusts,

Atlantic, Ja. Holaind, R. I. Chicago trust conference, AAP..

Ja. Mcknight, A. Trusts & social progress, GM.,
