Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/872

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Morris, C. New history of the United States : the

greater republic . . . irom the earliest days ol

discoverj' ... to the present eventful year.

Ph., J. C. Winston & Co.. 1899 [iQooJ- 7"

pp. il. map. 8vo. $2.75. Newman, A. H. Manual of church history. V. I.

Ancient & media;val church history to 1517.

Ph., Amer. Baptist Pub. Soc. 639 pp. 8vo.

$2 25. Peffer \V. A. Americanism & the Philippines.

Tnpeka, Kan., Crane & Co. 150 pp. "mo.

Pike G. H. Oliver Cromwell & his times: social, religious & political life in the I7lh century. L T. F. Unwin. 296 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Story, Moorfield. Charles Sumner. Bo., Hough- ton Mifflin & Co. 466 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Tarbell Ida M. Life of Abraham Lincoln, drawn from original sources & containing many speeches, letters & telegrams hitherto unpub- I^hed. N. v., Doubleday & McClure Co. 2v. 8vo. $5.

II. International Law.

[Burwell, G. B, Elements of international law, with account of its origin, sources & bistori- cal development. New ed., rev. & enl. N.Y., Harper & Bros. 612 pp. 8vo. $2.50-]

12. Labor.

Anitchkow, M. Krieg u. Arbeit. B., Puttkam- mer & Muhlbrecht. M. 10. .,,,.,

Bowley, A. L. Wages in the United Kingdom in the 19th century ; notes for the use of students of social & economic questions. N. Y., Mac- millan Co. 148 pp. 8vo. $2.

Great Britain— Board of Trade. Trade iinions in 1898 • reports, with comparative statistics for 1889-97. L.. Eyre & Spottiswoodc. 8vo. IS. 6d. - 0.

Great Britain — Chief inspector of factories & workshops. Annual report for 1898. Pt. 2. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 2s. jd.

Haussonvillc, Comte d'. Salaires et miseres de femmes. P., libr. C. Levy. 319 pp. iSmo. f. 3.50.

Jastrow I. Einrichtiing v. Arbeitsnachweisen u. Arbeitsnachweis-Verbanden. VerhandUingen der I. deutschen Arbeitsnachweis-Konferenz (Karlsruhe, 1897). B., G. Reimer. 165 pp.

8vo. M. 4- ,,,,••

Otto, Ed. Das deutsche Handwerk in seiner

itulturgeschichtlichen Entwickelung. Lp., B.

G. Teubner. 154 pp. 8vo. M. 0.90. Rosemeier, H. Die Arbeiter im 19. Jahrh. B.,

S. Cronbach. M. 2.50.

13. Political Economy.

Bohm-Bawerk, E. v. Einige slreitige Fragen det Capitalstheorie. Wien, W. BraumuUer. M.

Broglio b'Ajano, Romolo. II salario nella teorla

e nella practica. Camerino, tip. Marchi,

1899. 1^^ pp. 8vo. ... ,,

Grabski. Slunisl. Zur Erkenntnislehre der volks-

wirth.-chii'tiichen Erscheinungen. Lp., C. L.

Hirschleld. 144 PP- 8vo. M. 4.50. Kostaneckl, A. v. Der wirthschafi iche Werth vom

Standpunkte der geschichtlichen forschung.

B , Piittkammer& Muhlbrecht. M. 4. Montcmartini, Glov. Teorica delle produttlvit^

marginali. Pavia. tip. fratelli Fusi. 1899.

230 pp. 8vo. L. 3.50, ( ,• ■ 1

Palgrave, R. H. L, ed. Dictionary of political

economy. V. 3, N-Z. N. Y.. Macmillan Co.

762 pp. 8vo. $6.50.

14. Political Science.

Amtliche Sammlung der Acten aus der Zeit der helvetischen Republik (1798-1803) im An- schluss an die Sammlung der altern eidg. Ab- schiede .... Bearb. v. Jobs. Stnckler, VU. Bd. Bern (Basel, A. Geerig). 1614 PP- 4to.

M. 20. ■ T>

Bertrand, A. Etudes dans la democratic, r., libr. F. Alcan. 292 pp. 8vo. f. 5.

Combes de Lestradc, Vicomte. Droit politique contemporain. P., libr. Guillaumin & Cie. 736 pp. 8vo. f. 12. _

Crampon. Le suffrage universel et la Republique, avec liberie, egalile, fraternite, critique et corrigS. P., libr. du Gymnase. 130 pp. f. 0.60.

Ferron, G. de. Les commissions parlementaires et le travail legislatif des Chambres (these). P., libr. Larose. 150 pp. 8vo. .. . ,

Germany— Reichsamt des Innern. Handbuch t. das Deutsche Reich auf d. J. 1900. 25. Jahrg. B., C. Heymann's Verlag. 558 pp. Rvo. M. .^.

Giddings, F. H. Democracy & empire, with studies of their psychological, economic & moral foundation. N. V., Macmillan Co. 363 pp. 8vo. $2.50. . , , /• 1

Kirchwey, G. \V'. Readings in the law of real property : an elementaiy collection of authori- iies for students. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co. 555 pp. 8vo. $3.50. Kdhler, A. Die Grenzlinien zwischen Idealkon- kurrenz u. Gesetzeskonkurrenz. MUnchen, C.

H. Beck. M.3,.50. , , • ■

Le Moal, Pierre. Des compagnies de colonisation fran;aises. Ce qu'elles out Hi dans le pass*. Ce qu'elles peuvent etre dans I'avenir de notre empire colonial (these). Anglers, impr. Bur- din. 126 pp. 8vo.

Loris, Idee de la decentralisation, son his- toire legislative et theorique. Besangon, impr. du Progriis. 133 PP- iSmo- „ . . . .

Muller, Otto. Unlersuchungen zur Geschichte des attischen BUrger- u. Eherechts. Lp., B. G Teubner. 663-866 pp. 8vo. M. 7.20. (Aus Jahrb f. class. Philol.) „ „ , ,,..„

Ratzel, Frdr. Das Meet als Quelle der Volker- grosse. Eine politisch - geograph. Studie. Miinchen, R. Oldcnbourg. 86 pp. 8vo. M.

Schurz, Carl. Renewed struggles: address. . .. at meeting of national Civil Service Kelorm league. N. Y., Civil Service Reform league, 1899. 28 pp. lamo.

Temple, Sir Richard. The House of Commons. N Y , A. Wessels Co. 169 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Villey, Edmond. Legislation elecmrale comparee des principaux pays d'Europe. P., libr. Larose. 3o2 pp. 8vo. f. 6.

Walton, C. S. Civil law in Spain & Spanish- America, incl. Cuba, Puerto Rico, & Philip- pine Islands. & the Spanish code in force, annot. & with reference to the civil codes of Mexico, Central & So. America. W^h., W. H. Lowdermilk & Co. 672 pp. 8vo. $6.50.

15. Religion, Churches.

Alliance (!') des unions chetiennes de jeunes gens de France. Compte rendu de la I2e ranle- rence natiouale, Bordeaux, . . . 1899. P., 14 rue de Trevise. 365 pp. i6mo. , . , „,

Cams, V. Kant & Spencer; a study of the falla- cies of agnosticism. C, Open Court Pub. Co., 1899. 105 pp. i2mo. (Religion of science libr.. no. 40). $0.20.

Causes de la decadence religieuse en France et de- voirs du clerge dans les temps presents. Lyon, Nouvelle impr. lyonnaise. 8 pp. 4to. f. 0.15.